William “Railroad Bill” Barr is known by many titles, such as square dance caller and all around nice guy. In 2019, then-Mayor Nancy Rossi added to his titles by appointing him as the Town Troubadour.
The Troubadour is a position dating back centuries in Europe. Its aim is to foster cultural literacy in music. Barr, a lifelong City resident Is a prolific musician and singer and has entertained audiences across Connecticut and New England.
A past master and forty year member of Annawon Lodge, #115, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of West Haven and a fifty year member of West Haven Rotary, the two groups, as well as around 70 others joined to celebrate Barr’s 80th birthday at the Lodge recently.
Also attending Barr’s celebration were State Representative Charles Ferraro, R-117 and the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Connecticut Freemasons, Joseph Porco.
Barr has been recovering at a convalescent facility in Milford after being stricken last January. The birthday celebration was a fundraiser to assist him. If you would like to make a donation or visit Barr, contact Steven R. Mullins at 203-824-4262.