Saturday, Jan. 9, West Haven Annawon Lodge 115 AF&AM installed its officer core for the coming year. Leading the slate was newly elected Worshipful Master Edward Anyafulu.
Anyafulu, stated his goals as worshipful master, “Our lodge has been privileged to serve the West Haven community for decades and now more than ever our community needs us. Our community has been enduring unprecedented times both from a health standpoint and an economic one as our city has been ravaged by the effects of COVID-19, as a healthcare worker, I understand the effects of the pandemic and have seen first hand the impacts it has had on our community. I promise our lodge will continue our decades of community service and will work to help the residents of West Haven get back on their feet. Technology is an important part of navigating a lodge during a pandemic, I hope to work with our governing bodies to incorporate virtual options to our lodge to ensure that members can meet as needed both safely and without discrimination.
In addition to Anyfulu, those installed included: John Garcia as Senior Warden, Christopher R. Belous as Junior Warden, Gerald A. Calabritto as Treasurer, Dennis J. Frosolone as Secretary, Joseph F. McVety Jr as Senior Deacon, Frank J. Andriulli III, Junior Deacon, Douglas J. Turcotte III as Senior Steward, Daniel J. Turcotte as Junior Steward, Matt Schwartz as Marshall, William K. Barr as Historian, Alan M. Friedman, Jr as Chaplain, Lee Canapetti as Tiler, John K. Ryan as Master of the Works, and William C. Lang as Almoner.