‘Icy Plunge’ has an added event in ‘18

4th grader has ‘Dream come true’
Around town
Dear Felicia

Editorial – A visit from St. Nicholas


Historian’s corner

Mullins elected Annawon ‘Master’

Second-half taxes due January 1
Sharks rebound after opening loss
Squirt A loses, tops Greenies
The media discrediting itself
Westie Blue
This week’s photos!
Festival of LightsState Sen. Gayle Slossberg (D-14) leads, from left, state Rep. Charles J. Ferraro (R- 117), Mayor Nancy R. Rossi, state Rep. Michael A. DiMassa (D-116) and Rossi’s executive assistant, Louis P. Esposito, Jr., in a Jewish blessing at the sundown celebration of the first day of Hanukkah during the annual lighting of the menorah Dec. 12 on the Green. The ceremonial lighting, also attended by Rossi transition team member Thomas J. McCarthy and city Human Resources Commissioner Beth A. Sabo, marks the Jewish Festival of Lights, an eight-day commemoration of rededication of the Temple by the Maccabees after their victory over the Syrians.
4th grader has Dream Come TrueGenesis Mateo-D’Oleo with her famly. Click title for the story.
4th grader has Dream Come TrueGenesis was surprised with a trip to Disney World. Her classmates at Alma E. Pagels School celebrated with her. Click title for the story.
4th grader has Dream Come TrueGenesis with Joe Belbusti of Dream Come True. Click title for the story.
Holiday visitThe children at the West Haven Child Development Center, Inc. recently visited the Ward-Heitmann House Museum. Docent Connie Sacco read a story to the children and gave them a tour of the house decorated for the holidays!
Mullins elected Lodge MasterThe Hon. Steven R. Mullins in full Masonic Worshipful Master Dress Regalia, with gavel in hand. Click title for the story.
Icy Plunge has added event in '18More than 200 intrepid participants navigate 2-foot swells in the 41-degree water of Long Island Sound during the 17th annual Icy Plunge for the Cure, a benefit for breast cancer research and education, on Jan. 28 at Savin Rock Beach. The 2018 plunge, set for 9 a.m. Jan. 13, will feature a follow-up event, the first Spike for the Cure beach volleyball tournament, also a benefit for breast cancer, at 11 a.m. at Sea Bluff Beach. Click title for the story
Good deedFor the fifth year in a row West Haven High School Student Government members, headed by advisor Trish Thompson, raked leaves for elderly resident Helen Leone. The resident was able to offer some refreshment after the hard work.
Good deedFor the fifth year in a row West Haven High School Student Government members, headed by advisor Trish Thompson.
Editorial cartoon
Player of the weekWest Haven sophomore girls hockey player Taylor Nowak (11) is the Vio’s Sports Plus/Westie Blue Player of the Week. Nowak scored in each of West Haven’s three games to start the season. In three games, Nowak has three goals and an assist for four points. Read about Taylor Nowak on the Player of the Week page at www.westieblue.com.
Cheering the home teamMembers of the West Haven Seahawks cheerleading squad lead a spirited pep rally Friday afternoon in the Bailey Middle School auditorium for the Ray Tellier Midget Football League’s West Haven Seahawks junior varsity team. An enthusiastic assembly of students, teachers, faculty and staff, joined by Mayor Nancy R. Rossi, watched the Seahawks live on ESPN3 as they competed for the national title against the Westchase Colts of Tampa Bay, Fla., in the Pop Warner Division II Junior Varsity Championship in Orlando, Fla. The Seahawks, ages 11-13, lost 28-0. However, in addition to finishing No. 2 in the nation, the Seahawks are the New England Region Pop Warner Division II Junior Varsity champions and the champs of the Southern Connecticut Pop Warner Football Conference.
Historian's cornerWe three kings. Click title for the story.