A sporting view
Around town
At a glance
Dear Felicia
From the desk of…. Bill Riccio, Jr.
Gripe Vine
Historian’s Corner
Jackson now waits until ‘18 for honor
Not on our soil, thank you
Rossi headquarters set for opening on Saturday
Shore Haven pitchers on center stage
Westie Blue in touch
WHHS sports recap
Making a differenceMembers of the West Haven High School Peer Advocacy Program and their school advisers receive the “You Make a Difference Award” May 15 from the West Haven Interagency Network for Children. From left, front to back, peer advocates Kailin Kyle, Paige Sheridan and Alex- is Miller; adviser Abby Goodwin; peer advocates Andrew Gordon and Maggie Yeh; adviser Christine Montano; and peer advocates Hellen Vasquez, Morgan Lambert, Usman Azeem and Marianna Kalander. “The peer advocates provided child care for our Parent Support Group meetings, helped with our holiday party, and provided support for children during our children with special needs duckpin bowling program,” said WHINC Director Robert S. Morton, director of West Haven Youth and Family Services.
WHHS LacrosseThe West Haven boys lacrosse team hoped to advance to the next round of the CIAC tournament, but were thwarted by West Hartford’s Conard Chieftains, 16-3 at Ken Strong Stadium. The girls team wasn’t successful either as Trumbull ended the Blue Devils’ season, 15-8.
St. Lawrence 3rd grader wins handwriting awardSt. Lawrence third grader Ava Freeman shows off her award for handwriting excellence.
Historian's CornerSilver's Drug Shop - Edward Silver
From the archivesThis is a photo allegedly taken in 1947 looking from the Savin Rock area (what is now the grassy area in front of the Savin Rock Conference Center) toward the amusement park and the famous Thunderbolt. Beach Street runs to the left. This was before the beaches were constructed.
Editorial Cartoon
Memorial Day 2017Mayor Edward M. O’Brien talks to the crowd that met on the Green for the annual Memorial Day wreath-laying ceremony, sponsored by the West Haven Veterans Council. The threat of lightning prompted officials to call off this year’s parade, the second time in as many years.
Memorial Day 2017Pouring rain and the threat of lightning prompted city officials to cancel the city’s parade for the second year in a row. However, services on the Green were conducted with young and old in attendance. Parade Marshal Freddie Jackson spoke during the ceremony.
Memorial Day 2017Pouring rain and the threat of lightning prompted city officials to cancel the city’s parade for the second year in a row. However, services on the Green were conducted with young and old in attendance. Parade Marshal Freddie Jackson spoke during the ceremony.
Memorial Day 2017Pouring rain and the threat of lightning prompted city officials to cancel the city’s parade for the second year in a row. However, services on the Green were conducted with young and old in attendance. Parade Marshal Freddie Jackson spoke during the ceremony.
Memorial Day 2017Pouring rain and the threat of lightning prompted city officials to cancel the city’s parade for the second year in a row. However, services on the Green were conducted with young and old in attendance. Parade Marshal Freddie Jackson spoke during the ceremony.