A sporting view
A unilateral government

AAA Urges Motorists To ‘Slow Down, Move Over.’ It’s the Law!
Around town
At a glance

Conservation plan set for P&Z review tonight
Dear Felicia

Dog licensing to be held now through June 30
Gripe vine

Historian’s corner

Savin Rock’s heyday! The way it was!

Sounds of Frank Sinatra play concert series Friday on Green

UNH campus designated ‘Heartsafe’ by state panel

West Haven Columbus Day parade fundraiser tapped for June 28
This week’s photos
Savin Rock's heyday! The way it was!The Carousel was always a big favorite from the time it was installed around 1912.
Class of 2017The West Haven High School Class of 2017 walked as a group for the last time June 15 with annual commencement exercises at Ken Strong Stadium. Casual attire was the order of the day on the muggy night, with many seniors wearing shorts under their gowns. Valedictorian Alice Li (lower left) addressed the class and hundreds of parents in attendance, as did Salutatorian Rose Silver.
Proud familiesHundreds of parents, family members and friends packed the home stands at Ken Strong Stadium last week as the Class of 2017 graduated in traditional commencement ceremonies. Diplomas were distributed by Superintendent of Schools Neil Cavallaro. Mayor Edward M. O’Brien spoke to the crowd and gave the congratulations of the city.
Historian's corner - Silver's Drug ShopThis is a view of Campbell Avenue and Main Street somewhere around 1955, looking north. Silver’s by that time had already established itself as a city landmark with the iconic sign over the door, and the “Rexall” sign that was there for many decades.
Savin Rock's heyday! The way it was!
Savin Rock's heyday! The way it was!T rides closed in cold weather, but the arcades were open.
Savin Rock's heyday! The way it was!The Peter Frank’s Funhouse was a landmark along Beach Street for decades, and was one of the last buildings demolished.
Savin Rock's heyday! The way it was!Bathing near the amusement park might have been part of a day of leisure, circa 1950.
Sea Bluff soccer tourneyMore than 400 players, officials, and fans convened on West Haven’s Sea Bluff beach Saturday for the seventh year of 5 on 5 tournament action. Teams from the Tri-State area participated, which must have produced a gleam in the eye of Turk’s and Jimmies proprietors.
Sea Bluff soccer tourneyMore than 400 players, officials, and fans convened on West Haven’s Sea Bluff beach Saturday for the seventh year of 5 on 5 tournament action. Teams from the Tri-State area participated, which must have produced a gleam in the eye of Turk’s and Jimmies proprietors.
Class of 2017The West Haven High School Class of 2017 walked as a group for the last time June 15 with annual commencement exercises at Ken Strong Stadium. Casual attire was the order of the day on the muggy night, with many seniors wearing shorts under their gowns. Valedictorian Alice Li (lower left) addressed the class and hundreds of parents in attendance, as did Salutatorian Rose Silver.
Class of 2017The West Haven High School Class of 2017 walked as a group for the last time June 15 with annual commencement exercises at Ken Strong Stadium. Casual attire was the order of the day on the muggy night, with many seniors wearing shorts under their gowns. Valedictorian Alice Li (lower left) addressed the class and hundreds of parents in attendance, as did Salutatorian Rose Silver.
Sea Dogs in actionWest Haven Sea Dog catcher Joe Hawkins puts the tag on a Westport base runner in travel team play last week.
West Haven's U-15 boys soccerWest Haven played Farmington in the Connecticut Cup and lost 2-1 in overtime. The game ended with a tie of 1-1. The last time this team went to the Cup was 2015.