By Josh LaBella Voice Reporter While the agenda was fairly straight forward for Monday night’s City Council meeting, public session saw mudslinging and party infighting weeks ahead of the primary election. In the beginning of … [Read more...] about Acrimony spices council session
The week in photos – August 22, 2019
Historian’s Corner
By Dan Shine Voice Columnist The Good Humor Man 1959 It seemed as if there was no escape from the August heat wave. The boy and his two friends sat on their bicycles, too hot to move. Sometimes on days like this, the … [Read more...] about Historian’s Corner
Dear Gripe Vine Readers: If you are reading Gripe Vine today and you are a resident of West Haven, you may be familiar with the Boot Program. This program fines those motorists who are delinquent on their motor vehicle taxes can risk their … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Epstein gamed the system
By Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist The Jeffrey Epstein case establishes beyond a doubt that if you're a sexual predator, it pays to be a rich and connected sexual predator. Epstein, now dead of an apparent suicide before his … [Read more...] about Epstein gamed the system
New school year begins; traffic scofflaws abound Tuesday begins the new school year for more than 6,000 West Haven children, either in public, private, parochial or home-school settings. For those going to local schools in West Haven or … [Read more...] about Editorial
Rossi sets a town hall for tonight
Mayor Nancy R. Rossi and her staff are inviting residents to participate in a town hall meeting from 7-9 p.m. today in the Harriet C. North Community Room on the second floor of City Hall, 355 Main St. Organizers said residents are encouraged … [Read more...] about Rossi sets a town hall for tonight
Dear Felicia
Well, honeybunch, here it is jest a few days from the new school year! It seems like only yestiday we were talkin’ about how much school is gonna be out for the next eight weeks or so. Before you know it, the eight weeks are up, and the kiddies find … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Board of Ed meets in WHHS cafe
By Josh LaBella Voice Reporter The Board of Education hosted their meeting in the new cafeteria of West Haven High School Monday night. After the meeting, the board and those in attendance were given a tour of the new wing of the high … [Read more...] about Board of Ed meets in WHHS cafe
Bridges plans ‘Folks on Spokes,’ Sept. 15
On Sunday, Sept.15, the annual Folks on Spokes Ride/Step Forward Memorial 5K will bring together hundreds of cyclists and walkers to raise funds to support Bridges Healthcare’s community mental health and addiction recovery services for Milford, … [Read more...] about Bridges plans ‘Folks on Spokes,’ Sept. 15