Gripe Vine Readers: I received a number of comments on a recent reader’s letter to Gripe Vine in which she complained vehemently of the risk of trying to cross Captain Thomas Blvd. a very busy street. Here are a few letters offering additional … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Felicia
Well honeybunch, things in the Asylum by the Sea are moving along apace this summer. Many, many of those “things” hafta do with kopecks or the lack of them, or how the lack of them has caused further problems. Needless to say that herroner is up to … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Blumenthal seeks shore funds
By Michael P. Walsh Special to the Voice During a news conference Friday at the Savin Rock gazebo, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Mayor Nancy R. Rossi discussed how an upcoming Senate vote could bring “millions of dollars” in … [Read more...] about Blumenthal seeks shore funds
The week in photos – July 19, 2018
Around town
Annual Luau The West Haven Italian-American Association will hold its Annual Hawaiian Luau at 85 Chase Lane on Saturday, Aug. 4, 2018 at 6:30. A sit-down Hawaiian dinner, from Cusano By Maria, with open bar, will be served at 6:30, followed by DJ … [Read more...] about Around town
UNH opens School of Health Sciences
The University of New Haven, a leading private, coeducational university situated on the coast of Connecticut, announced today the establishment of a new School of Health Sciences. The school will include undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral … [Read more...] about UNH opens School of Health Sciences
ND swimmer Hansen an All-American
When Notre Dame graduate North Hansen touched the wall in the final 500-yard freestyle event of his stellar high school career on March 18, he had no idea what he had ultimately achieved. While Hansen finished second in the 2018 CIAC State Open … [Read more...] about ND swimmer Hansen an All-American
WHLL ‘Stars make run, get ousted
Walk-off double denies comeback The West Haven Little League 12-U All Star team saw its season come to a heartbreaking end last week with a 9-8 loss to Orange in the District 4 quarterfinals in Orange. Despite an incredible comeback which saw … [Read more...] about WHLL ‘Stars make run, get ousted
Historian’s corner
July 5, 1779 July 3, 1779 was a Saturday. For Adjutant William Campbell and more than 3,000 other British and Hessian soldiers based in New York City, July 3 proved to be one terribly uncomfortable night. Soldiers, horses, cannon, and gear were … [Read more...] about Historian’s corner
SustainableCT a vehicle for growth
By Robin D. Parson City Resident You all may have heard that our City Council passed a resolution to join SustainbleCT (Check it out here: This is good news that will become exciting news if we can capitalize on the … [Read more...] about SustainableCT a vehicle for growth