By Frank J. Andrulli, III
Special to the Voice:
At its annual year end election, Annawon Lodge, 115 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of West Haven elected Brother Richard Biela, 60 as the 2019 Worshipful Master. He succeeds Worshipful Brother Steven R. Mullins, who served as Master in 2018. Biela has been a member of the Lodge since 1988.
Biela, a West Haven resident, has been married to his wife Cheryl for the past 35 years. Together they have four children and three grandchildren.
Annawon Lodge was charted on March 24,1873 in the Village of West Haven in the Town or Orange. The Lodge’s first location was the second floor of what is now called the Altshuler Building on the corner of Campbell Avenue and Main Street.
As Worshipful Master, Biela follows in the footsteps of such notable West Haven citizens as former First Selectman (Mayor) Elmer R. Scranton and educator Harry M. Bailey.
Biela will be installed Saturday in a ceremony at the West Haven Masonic Temple, 263 Elm St. at 11. The rites will include a tribute to Mullins, honoring his tenure as Master. Lunch will be served immediately following. The ceremony is open to the public.
In addition to Biela, other officers elected and appointed are: Senior Warden: Kyle Podpolucha, Junior Warden: Mark Homburg, Senior Deacon: Anthony King, Junior Deacon: Christopher Belous, Tiler: Jonathan Belmont, Treasurer, Gerald Calibritto, Secretary Frank James Andrulli, III, Marshall: James V. Jennette,, Historian William Kennedy Barr, Chaplain: Frank Mangerio, Almoner: William Lang, and Trustee: Steven R. Mullins.