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The State Bond Commission approved more than $930,000 in funding for capital upgrades to a pair of critical West Haven nonprofits at its July meeting in Hartford, House Bonding Committee Chair and State Rep. Dorinda Borer (D-115) announced on Friday.
West Haven Community House, a nonprofit that serves children, families and individuals with disabilities, was awarded more than $680,992 in funding for capital improvement projects.
For more than 80 years, West Haven Community House has been providing vital services to families. Some of the essential items this bond funding will cover include repairing drainage systems and damaged asphalt, major HVAC upgrades, roof replacements and playground safety improvements. In addition, there are planned improvements to a handicap bathroom, HVAC systems and driveway repairs at all three of its group homes, among other projects.
“Thank you to Governor Lamont and the State Bond Commission for approving these funds for this deserving nonprofit,” said Rep. Borer. “As someone who went to Community House programs when I was young, I know firsthand that every day the West Haven Community House positively impacts individuals and families in our community. This funding will assist in providing a safe and healthy environment for the families of West Haven and perfectly aligns with their mission.”
Said Amy Guay-Macfarlane, Executive Director of West Haven Community House: “Whether it is playground safety improvements for the 144 children we are approved to serve through our Head Start program or renovations at our three group homes, which will benefit the health and safety of the developmentally disabled adults who reside in them, the Governor and State Bond Commission made our day with their approval, and we thank Representative Borer for her advocacy in securing these funds.”
Added Katie Heffernan Farrell, President of the West Haven Community House Board of Directors: “The community of children, families and adults with intellectual disabilities whom we serve was uplifted with the award of these funds. We thank Governor Lamont and the State Bond Commission and truly appreciate Representative Borer and Amy Guay-Macfarlane working hard behind the scenes to get these funds on the agenda and following through until their approval.”
In addition to the West Haven Community House Funding, Rep. Borer secured an additional $250,000 for the West Haven Emergency Assistance Taskforce (WHEAT), which has been providing food and referral services to West Haven residents in need since 1975. Currently, WHEAT helps 5,000 households, including 1,000 school-age children.
The funding will allow WHEAT to install new interior and warehouse area windows and exterior fire-rated doors, reseal the roof with a protective coating and repair the existing garage structure, which includes a new roof and siding, among other projects.
“We are delighted to receive these funds, which are crucial to our work at WHEAT and will help us continue our mission of feeding West Haven’s residents in crisis,” said Rose Majestic, WHEAT’s Executive Director.