Ed. Note: In the weeks leading up to next Tuesday’s primary, the Voice sent a set of five questions to both Democratic candidates, incumbent Mayor Nancy Rossi, and challenger John Lewis. Below are the answers provided by the candidates as they came to us. This is considered a final pitch to voters going into the primary. We begin with the incumbent, and move to the challenger.
Nancy Rossi: Continue the successes
What is the theme of your campaign, and how has that theme resonated with the voters? What is the biggest concern with the voters you’ve encountered as you campaign?
My campaign theme is let’s keep moving West Haven forward and keep the momentum. We do not want West Haven to return to the past practices of mismanagement. West Haven has come a long way in the past 4-years and the future looks bright. The voters have been very positive and are looking forward to continued progress in the city. The top three concerns from voters are finances and budget, taxes and economic development. The voters seem to be very satisfied with the improvement and the city’s plan moving forward.
What are the three major goals of your campaign/administration should you win? Put them in descending order.
My administration will continue to aggressively pursue our priorities of fiscal responsibility, economic development, and improving the quality of life for our residents by addressing deferred maintenance items and investing in our aging infrastructure. We have made great strides in all these areas and look forward to continuing the progress over the next two years.
What makes you different than your opponent, and how will that affect your governing style?
My administration has assembled a very talented and results driven team. I am a hands-on mayor and work tirelessly to ensure West Haven is represented and successful. My opponent, although a nice guy, is partly responsible for the condition that we found the city in. We have worked diligently over the last 4-years to put West Haven back on track. We cannot afford to allow the city to return to chaos and mismanagement.
Concentrating on the positives, how will you govern should you win?
After the election, we will keep the momentum in moving the city forward. We will build on and strengthen our financial position, aggressively market the city for new investment and economic development and will continue addressing deferred maintenance and blight issues, including paving and park renovations. We will grow the commercial grand list and further stabilize our residential and commercial tax rate.
Party politics in the city is a fractured affair. How will you bring various factions or members of the opposition party into the discussion?
The mayor represents all the city residents and voters. I will continue to work with all our local, state and federal legislators on local issues that are in the best interest of the City of West Haven. My administration has worked very well with all the members of our city council and state delegation.
General comments.
This primary and election are critical to the long-term plan and continued success of West Haven. We have made great strides in improving West Haven and need to continue the good progress and move West Haven forward.
John Lewis: Let’s Make History
What is the theme of your campaign, and how has that theme resonated with the voters? What is the biggest concern with the voters you’ve encountered as you campaign?
The theme of my campaign is “Let’s make History.” That theme resonates very well with the residents as they have been overwhelmingly looking forward to a change. They want a leader, a mayor who has their interests in mind and a comprehensive plan and vision that has been missing for decades. The biggest concern I am hearing from voters is the high and constantly increasing taxes. They love their homes, but are concerned that they will not be able to afford to live in their homes by being taxed out of West Haven. Another issue I hear often is what is happening with “The Haven,” or is it really coming? I have some of those same questions and as Mayor I will consistently keep them informed with frequent updates.
What are the three major goal of your campaign/ administration should you win? Put them in descending order.
Economic Development is the top major goal that I will be focused on from day one. After naming a qualified Director of Planning and Development, I will immediately seek to create a Bioscience Enterprise Zone along the Railroad Ave/Frontage Road corridor. This designation will allow West Haven to benefit from increased development, a higher taxable grand list, employment for residents, and opportunities for partnerships between qualifying businesses and the High School STEM program. Secondly, develop the City Hall parking lot. I will turn a non-revenue producing city-owned property into a revenue generating multi-level professional, retail, and residential building with underground parking. Development of the Arts center will also be vitally important to bringing the center of West Haven back to life. This will be achieved through private investment.
My second goal would be to address the needs of our seniors and youth. We still do not have a suitable senior center in Allingtown. Our seniors deserve a place of their own, preferably on one level, where they can go during the day to stay active. I will also seek to resurrect the Adult Daycare Program. Our children deserve to have a Youth Center, a safe place that young people can engage in a variety of activities. I will encourage opportunities through grants and partnerships with religious and civic organizations to help both groups.
Repairing the infrastructure would round out my top 3 goals. We need many upgrades in this area, whether it be repairing the worst sidewalks and the pot-holed streets or checking our drainpipes to clear away tree roots or debris to relieve our streets of our constant flooding issues. I propose adding broadband to our beaches, parks, and the West Haven Green. To ensure increased safety on our residential streets, I will meet with residents to curb speeding by identifying appropriate locations to install speed humps. These are all areas that, when addressed, will move West Haven forward. The order does not preclude all of these items happening simultaneously.
What makes you different than your opponent, and how will that affect your governing style?
What makes me different than my opponent is when there is an issue I will be constantly communicating with the residents. I will listen to the residents’ and employees’ ideas and suggestions. Customer service will be at the top of my list. I will be that servant leader. I will look to brand West Haven. What are we known for? I will seek out revenue generating businesses to find out how we can have them join our community. I will reach out to private investors to give them an opportunity to come in on the ground floor of an arts center could be the catalyst to revitalize the center of our city. I will collaborate with our region of governments to see how we can partner with them to incorporate some best practices to move West Haven forward.
Concentrating on the positive, how will you govern should you win?
I will abide by the maxim of government of the people, for the people, and by the people. I will govern in accordance.
Party politics in the city is a fractured affair, how will you bring various factions or members of the opposition party into the discussion
Any resident requesting to converse about anything regarding the betterment of the city will find my door open. I do not have the time to waste on petty party politics and spite. My goal is to move the city forward. If any faction or opposition would like to join and embrace my plan and vision for the future of the city, they will be welcomed.
General comments
West Haven needs a leader, one with a plan and vision as we move into the city’s second century. West Haven has so much to offer and with the vision I have laid out, we can brand West Haven into a welcoming and vibrant community. We have a diverse and rich history and can thrive when we work together. I ask you to join me in my pursuit to revitalize our city.
John Lewis is what West Haven needs. A Mayor who stands with its residents and doesn’t spend an entire pandemic in Florida. Mayor who wants to see this city grow and thrive like it use to. We need to stop the downward spiral and only change can do that. Get out and vote in the primary vote for change vote for John Lewis.