Honey bunch the area was hit with a snowstorm over the weekend, and it reminded any and all that whilst we’ve had good weather lately, Ole Man Winter is getting closer and closer to making his official appearance. Here in the Asylum by the Sea we got … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
It’s done, sweetie pie. The new administration is ensconced in the thoid floor of the Actors Colony, and it’s gonna be interesting to see how things shake out. The Asylum by the Sea is a place where politics doesn’t stop for much, including … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Hard to believe, but we’ve skated our way from Election Day to Inauguration Weekend in whot feels like the proverbial “blink of an eye.” Of course, when yew git as old as we are, honey bunch, that “blink” gits shorter and shorter. The West Haven … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Here we are honeybunch, another Thanksgiving Day. Yew and me, we’ve been penning these missives for almost 50 years, which means we’re really long in the bicuspids, and we’ve seen a lot as it relates to the political scene here in the Asylum by the … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
The Silly Season is over for another two years – the local Silly Season that is – and there were jest a couple o’ surprises to be had when the voting was over Nov. 7. Sammy Bluejay was fluttering betwixt the two Demmie headquarters – the official one … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
As I write this week’s missive, honeybunch, the boys and girls of the three campaigns for mayor are wrapping up their work in anticipation for the vote, which, by the time yew git this, will be decided – we hope. In this berg, when it comes to … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well sweetie pie, we had a big storm blow through these parts over Sundee night into Monday, and it was quite somethin’. A few times during the night Cobina’s domicile was shaking with the wind and the howling through the trees gave it a “Hitchcock” … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Effen yew thought this campaign season was gonna be one of ho-humness, you were wrong, honey child. There are things going on in this mayoral campaign we ain’t seen in these parts in quite some time. From an upset primary to absentee ballot … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well, sweetie, things are plodding along here in the berg with (by the time yew git this missive) three weeks left in the mayoral campaign. This is about the time the candidates themselves see this as the home stretch, but think it’ll never end. It … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia
Dear Felicia
Well sweetie, whilst Iyam scribing this week’s missive to you, it still feels like the tropics hereabouts. Hurricane Nate is traveling this away with its rain and wind – though not the same as everyone else go earlier in the week. That drought they … [Read more...] about Dear Felicia