Electoral College attacked Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic candidate for vice-president, sent the first volley of what we expect to be a barrage of criticism from members of his side of the aisle. The issue – again – the Electoral College. … [Read more...] about Editorial
Expo is a new tradition While it might be questionable to claim an event that is four years old a “tradition.” The West Haven Fire Expo has quickly become one of fall’s premier events. Only the fourth edition of the Expo set for this Saturday … [Read more...] about Editorial
City welcomes tourney After a nine-year hiatus, Special Olympics Connecticut came back to West Haven. The return of its annual Unified Sports Fall Festival and its Fall Festival bocce competition came back to the Old Grove Park bocce courts … [Read more...] about Editorial
The tyranny of majority Now that the 2024 Presidential campaign is in full swing, the amount of misunderstanding about how our Constitution was composed – through much compromise and negotiation – is quite alarming. Especially among so-called … [Read more...] about Editorial
Back to School time It may seem hard to believe, but the 2024-25 school year begins next week. It seems like only days ago we were congratulating the Class of 2024 and wishing them well in their future endeavors. The end of August means the end … [Read more...] about Editorial
Festival another success It is hard to believe it has been more than 40 years since the first Savin Rock Festival took place at West Haven High School’s Ken Strong Stadium and adjacent fields. The idea was one that came from the leadership of … [Read more...] about Editorial
A 27-month headache! “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night!” Bette Davis made that quote famous in the classic movie “All About Eve,” for West Haveners the “bumpy night” is going to be a 27-month-long purgatory of … [Read more...] about Editorial
A Representative Republic With the coming of the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, we find it puerile that citizens of this nation are arguing over the type of government the Founders determined. The Declaration of Independence … [Read more...] about Editorial
Declaration of Independence
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature … [Read more...] about Declaration of Independence
Beach Street reopening After a year of watching and waiting, the Beach Street reconstruction project, called “Phase 2” by the city was opened to traffic. With more than 100 in attendance, including state and city officials as well as many … [Read more...] about Editorial