Consider 3 questions Next week, the voters of West Haven are asked to determine the leadership of the city over the next two years. For the first time in decades, voters have a real opportunity to select from among three viable candidates, all … [Read more...] about Editorial
Helping our neighbors As we head into the holiday season – yes, it will be on us before we know it – our attention seems to turn, naturally, toward helping those who are in need. Based on what we’ve seen statistically over the last few years and … [Read more...] about Editorial
A very familiar pattern It was an all-too familiar situation, one taxpayers in this city have seen over and over, with the same results: no development. The much-heralded plan to bring the New England Brewing Company (NEBCO) into the city fell … [Read more...] about Editorial
Time to pay attention Now the real campaign begins. With the primary win of Barry Cohen over Paige Weinstein in last week’s Republican primary, the candidates are set for the two competing parties. The Democratic Party has avoided a primary … [Read more...] about Editorial
Shaw’s aphorism today It was the acerbic Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw who coined the aphorism, “Those than can do, those that can’t teach.” If one wants to roil a group of teachers – and for good reason – try grafting that quote into a … [Read more...] about Editorial
Back to School 2023 Just has seems to happen each year, the summer – at least the school vacation part of it – is winding down, and the new term is ready to begin. If there are a few sad faces around your home in these last weeks of August, at … [Read more...] about Editorial
Wanted: leadership The caucuses are done, the endorsed candidates have been named, but we are a long way from knowing – at least in the case of the Republican Party – who the ultimate standard-bearer will be for the November general election. … [Read more...] about Editorial
Savin Rock Festival ‘23 It is hard to believe it has been more than 40 years since the first Savin Rock Festival took place at West Haven High School’s Ken Strong Stadium and adjacent fi elds. The idea was one that came from the leadership of … [Read more...] about Editorial
Start to pay attention In the next few days, the two major parties in West Haven will determine which names will head and fill their respective slates for the upcoming November mayoral election. The Democratic and Republican Town Committees … [Read more...] about Editorial
Stick with the city’s issues Last month, Barry Lee Cohen was the third Republican to enter his name into the 2023 race for mayor, the others are Paige Weinstein and Steven R. Mullins, former P&Z member, and longtime party advocate. In … [Read more...] about Editorial