Dear Eleanore Turkington: Most people I know are fed up with the high cost of electricity. As a matter of fact, I read that in July our bill are going up by $39. I get very confused with my electric people and wonder where all the extra … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Eleanore Turkington: Recently I spotted a huge billboard in our state that displayed a warning to motorists that there was a law in Connecticut that showed a penalty to drivers concerning driving and texting. I wasn't aware that … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Eleanore Turkington: Why does the city not raise manhole covers and the frames after paving anymore? There are several in West Haven that are very deep especially at Campbell and Spring Street and by the VA. If you hit this one … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Eleanore Turkington There are many taxpaying residents in West Haven and from time to time I and many others wish they could make suggestions to our mayor submitting suggestions on various projects. Such as more use of the dance area at … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Eleanore Turkington: Restaurants continue to lead pandemic hours by closing much too early. We in West Haven need our nights back. We lose money and community safety and reputation. People go to New Haven for fun at night. Fun … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Eleanore Turkington: I guess the citywide waste program was a flop! I am all for keeping the environment clean and safe, but there had to be a better way to approach a program like this than what West Haven experienced. I don’t … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Eleanore Turkington: I drive through West Haven every day and I am wondering when the Ward-Heitman museum will reopen and share its memories with the people in this city. Many cities in Connecticut stand with pride in offering ur early … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Dear Eleanore Turkington: I am complaining about Highland Avenue. Cars park all the way down, once you come over the hill even though there are No Parking signs all the way down. This causes moms and kids to walk into the street. This … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Gripe Vine Readers: Yes, it’s a new year and many of us have celebrated this event in various ways including both looking back and anticipating the future. I sincerely hope you and your family, friends and neighbors anticipate 2024 as a year … [Read more...] about Gripevine
Gripe Vine Readers who will remember this infamous date will no doubt have difficulty reading he large headlines in newspapers declaring Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor!! Lest we forget! I remember black shades on windows, squatting in the basement … [Read more...] about Gripevine