By Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist First, they came for Roald Dahl. Anyone who thought the politically correct rewriting would stop at the irreverent author of such children's classics as "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and … [Read more...] about Woke mob and literature
The word is ‘chaotic’ If there is a word that aptly describes the history of the City of West Haven’s financial picture over the last three-plus decades, it would be “chaotic.” Indeed, that is the only word one could use and be truthful. … [Read more...] about Editorial
Official defends ‘Food to Fuel Program’
Ed. Note: The following is a column from Pamela Ricci-Roach, an official of SCRCOG, regarding a letter that appeared in Gripevine concerning the Food-to-Fuel program. By Pamela Ricci-Roach (Allingtown Resident for 25 years) Solid Waste … [Read more...] about Official defends ‘Food to Fuel Program’
Peace deal gains support
By Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist More and more Republicans are beginning to see the wisdom of John Lennon, and think we need to give peace a chance in Ukraine. Donald Trump is offering himself as the peace candidate and says he … [Read more...] about Peace deal gains support
Theatre of the Absurd We have always likened the annual – or in the case of the State of Connecticut, biennial – budget process to a line from Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Mikado.” The haughty Pooh-Bah is asked to sign a letter to the Mikado, … [Read more...] about Editorial
Biden-Trump Round II?
By Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist America may not want a Trump-Biden rematch, but Donald Trump and Joe Biden sure do. A CNN poll late last year showed that 6 in 10 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents want a different … [Read more...] about Biden-Trump Round II?
Program rollout a lesson Residents have received an abject lesson in governmental overreach – albeit in a small scale – with the recent kerfuffle concerning the “Food Scraps to Energy” program, announced by the Rossi administration in late … [Read more...] about Editorial
A bit of history It was interesting to see the stories this week about the trash pickups and the green vs. orange bag controversy -- I just had to write. Let's dive into a little bit of history -- perhaps our esteemed historian Dan Shine … [Read more...] about Letters
Binge drinking during Super Bowl Binge drinking during Super Bowl Super Bowl Sunday, Americans will turn their focus to one thing and one thing only: football. That’s right – the most anticipated exhibition of the year is right around … [Read more...] about Letters
‘Yellowstone’ and race baiters
By Rich Lowry Syndicated Colunist Long after it has run its course on TV, the show "Yellowstone" will provide fodder for countless Ph.D. candidates in whiteness studies. In certain precincts, the verdict about the smash hit that has … [Read more...] about ‘Yellowstone’ and race baiters