More than seven years after it was announced as the most recent iteration of a plan that goes back 25 years, The Haven project seems in the eyes of many to be something that might take years to complete. The Simon Properties corporation, a concern that holds many retail outlets and name brands, is currently in negotiations with the City of West Haven in what is called an “inter-local agreement.”
The agreement, still to be hammered out between the company and city, and required by the State of Connecticut, is hoped to be a document that will give city officials and residents a better understanding of the timelines, construction protocols, and eventual completion date of the project. Since it was announced in the fall of 2014 by the administration of then-Mayor Edward O’Brien, the development has had fits and starts that have frustrated officials, and residents.
Mayor Nancy Rossi said the agreement was a demand of the General Assembly when approval was given of a special taxation district for the project, expected to be an upscale outlet mall when completed. The special taxation status offers special arrangements for the developers.
“An inter-local agreement is currently being negotiated between the City of West Haven and the Simon Group,’ she said. “When the Connecticut General Assembly approved a special taxation district, one of the requirements was an inter-local agreement which must be approved by the City Council. One of the items the agreement will require is the City Council must approve a bond sale if the developer chooses to sell bonds to finance the project. The city has submitted the agreement in draft form and are a waiting for comments from the developer.”
One of the difficulties over the years has been the lack of transparency by the Simon Group, when asked for timelines, progress reports, and contemplated adjustments to the project. Mrs. Rossi said the new agreement is a remedy.
“The city by virtue of an inter-local agreement will have more leverage over the project than we do currently—which is basically none,” she said.
While it took years to secure all the properties along the four-block area that runs from Elm Street west past Main Street along First Avenue, it’s been almost two years since the final purchases were made, and Water Street was closed as a city street to facilitate demolition and eventual construction. Residents along First Avenue have had to endure fires in the closed buildings as well as squatters and an increase in pestilence. The mayor indicated things are status quo for the time being.
“The developer, with the assistance of a state grant, has removed the buildings and structures from Elm Street to Main Street along the water. There are no permits submitted from the developer to remove homes along First Avenue or on The Haven site currently,” she said. “The city has insisted that security continue on the site, the boundaries of the site be fenced, and the any trash or items dumped be picked up. The city is communicating with the developer and will welcome the submittal of demolition permits.”
As far as when the actual construction of the project will begin and what timelines are in place, Mrs. Rossi shares the frustration many residents have with the developers.
“Unfortunately, the developer has not submitted a timeline for the project. I know I am not alone with my frustration, but it is private property, and the city continues to communicate in good faith trying to facilitate the project,” she said.
One of the fears of city officials and residents, seldom voiced on the record, is the possibility the developer is looking to change the focus of the development from a retail outlet to something else. She said this is not the case in her discussions with the Simon Group.
“The developer’s interest in the property remains the same and they have not indicated any change in the scope for the project at this point,” she said.
With the negotiations ongoing, the Rossi administration and city residents are hoping the much-ballyhooed commercial venture will become a reality – and soon. Two years ago, an announcement was made that shoppers should expect to see merchandise by Christmas 2022. That announcement, along with much since 2014, is not expected to come to fruition.