The West Haven Community House added two named funds to its endowment at their annual meeting in June. Ellen Torello (left, above), is presented with a plaque by WHCH Board President Katie Farrell and Past President Mary Jane Morrissey for the Torello-Scannell Fund named for her late husband Thomas Torello, Rotarian and owner of Torello Tire and her late father Edward Scannell, a WHCH board member and treasurer. The other named fund was created by former Librarian Connie Sacco (right, above), in honor of her late brother, Louis Sacco, Jr and her late sister Theresa Monaco. Accepting on her behalf is current Library Executive Director Coleen Bailie.

Board President Katie Farrell and West Haven Community House Executive Director Amy Guay-Macfarlane said goodbye to long-time board member Audrey Jefferson, whose term has ended. Jefferson, a West Haven Police Officer, was called, “a wonderful asset and advocate for us and has been a great supporter of our events and fundraising efforts,” by Guay-Macfarlane. She has agreed to help with the agency’s fundraising in the future as a non-board member.