A little-known type of free resource that West Haven Library users may not be familiar with yet are databases. Each database provides a wide range of valuable information and services about many topics such as: jobs, education, business, health, genealogy, and entertainment. The Library currently provides access to many databases: JobNow, HelpNow, VetNow, Ancestry Library, ResearchIT CT, Reference Solutions, and O’Reilly for Public Library.
Databases are important because they allow anyone access to information that fit their specific needs. For example, someone who is writing their first resume would benefit greatly from the live resume help on JobNow; a business owner now has access to valuable marketing and demographic information on Reference Solutions to help grow their business; adults can use the medical databases with ResearchIT CT to find reputable, accurate medical information concerning a recent diagnosis; and children can learn new technology skills such as coding and web design by reading books and watching videos in the O’Reilly database.
Databases can be accessed in person at the Main Library on 300 Elm Street and the Ora Mason Branch at 260 Benham Hill Road. Additionally, every database except for AncestryLibrary can be accessed outside of the library on personal phones, tablets, and computers online through the library’s website: westhavenlibray.org. Call or stop by the library for more information.