Well Honey bunch, don’t look now, but the summer is movin’ fast. In three weeks the kiddies will be back in class, and the new academic year will be in full swing. The increase in news to our little office shows it. Where jest a few weeks ago things started to slow down, the number of notices has been on the increase. That means the year is moving on, and before you know it, the snow will be falling. Think about that the next time yore wonderin’ when the heat and humidity will stop.
Meanwhile the wag came in t’other afternoon after he attended the two public hearings on the city charter proposals made by the commish of the same name.
It looks like the naysayers may have called this one correct. If the effort or lack thereof by the City Council members at the first two so-called charter revision meetings are any indication, sez the Wag, they have no desire to take any real action on the matter and are making every effort to drag this out. That means they’ll miss the deadlines necessary to put this proposal on the November ballot.
More than one casual observer of the City Council has called these meetings ” embarrassing” with most of the membership completely unprepared to deal with this; in fack, it was questioned whether most of the membership had even glanced at the report, given the inquiries that were attempted. The only exceptions have been Councilman Aaron Charney and Chairman Ron Quagliani, who seem to have at least read the report and done some research on their own. The council only has 45 days to take action but it took close to 30 just to convene a meeting.
This effort started with the council almost 18 months ago. For them to be so unprepared only makes the case for government reform even stronger in the eyes of more than the usual suspecks. Unfortunately, the legislative body has complete control of the process now and it seems that the only plan in place is to torpedo it. Anyone thinking they will get a chance to vote on this in November might be in for a big disappointment.
Needless to say, this is not making the people on the commish very happy. Most o’ them are just plain Joes and Janes who wanted to help. They are getting a good dose of the fack that some of the political bosses in town like things the way they are, and don’t wanna see things change. That would seem more of a reason to “damn” those torpedoes and, like the saying sez, go “full speed ahead.”
Our friend A. Nony Mouse sent this in, and I thought you’d be interested to hear it. It’s how some are lookin’ at the machinations in the city’s minority party.
“You keep barking about how the GOP leadership was wishing to save some kopecks for the general election. In a perfect world, pooling the party’s paltry buckeroos and moving forward with a unified front would have been considered utopian by some. However, Mr. (Steven) Mullins, defeated for the same post in 2009 and 2011, had a different idea to primary—which he has every right to pursue. Maybe three times is the charm? Not if Ms. (Michelle) Gregorio has her way. In any case, the GOP is offering up a sometimes combative competition between a financial lady and a justice of the “peace.” Kinda ironic, huh? But I digress…
“Now the main issue the party is struggling with is the showcasing of candidates. It hasn’t been as beneficial as we or others had anticipated. My dear, word on Campbell is that the Grand Old Party is getting showcased just like the Demmies and that ain’t a good thing. This petite party of 3100 is now bleeding. What was once small, barely noticeable bruises has become open sores. Evidently, all-out character assassination being made by and to members of their own party – just like the Demmies.
“The GOPers haven’t had a primary since whenever. I’m guessing that some think a primary is akin to a Miss Congeniality contest. Some are getting their skivvies in a knot at the slightest skirmish. My advice: toughen up! Lots of bluster by some social media desk jockeys, as well as too many, overly sensitive thin skins if you ask me. Talk about possibly snatching defeat from the potential jaws of victory.
“Some actually thought this would be a prim-and-proper competition. Hold on please…I’m wiping my tears of laughter before they smudge the ink on my papyrus.”
Cobina has been hearing that the social media sites are aflame with some of the vitriol that is usually hoarded by the Democrats. This time the once-placid GOP is getting into the act. It would seem that people seem to think staying anonymous on some Internet site is a license to be nasty. Sign of the times, I guess.
Meanwhile, here we are in Awgus, and no sign yet as to when or whether the owners at the Haven are gonna begin work. It’s been a month since the Dept. of Transportation approved the traffic plan, and you’d think the city would be pullin’ out all the stops to get things underway as far as the permit process is concerned. But jest another week o’ nuthin’.
As I’ve told you, Sammy Bluejay has been flutterin’ about the berg and tellin’ Cobina that the people in the neighborhood are chompin’ at the bit waiting for something to happen over there. Fires have occurred in three for four instances, and until the land is cleared, it’s a worry as to whether something serious will happen over there.
The developers have been very tight-lipped about what they are gonna put over there. It has been noticed that descriptions of the project have been less specific than they used to be, witch has even people in the Actors Colony wondering.
This is a place we’ve been before with other developments. Unlike other towns, we are in the position of being bystanders, not participants in the process. We’ll find out when the developers wanna tell us, and not a minute before.
Nelly Nuthatch was by the high school t’other afternoon, and, circling back to school startin’ in a couple weeks, it seems the crews over there are makin’ a real attempt to git the first part o’ the building ready for opening day. There is still lots to do, but the big wing that was under construction was said to be almost done, and the plan was to git it turned over to the B of E in time for classes. It looks like that’s gonna happen, according to Nelly.
It’s been a long slog, but it actually seems like some good things are happening. Iyam told that the main office will be moved over there – if it ain’t been already – and that the new media center will be open. We shall see what we shall see.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this week till next, mitt luff und kizzez,