Well, here we are honey bunch, careening toward Thanksgiving with jest about half the month over at this writing, and ready for the pre-holiday news doldrums to set in. As yew of all people know, the ebbs and flows of this bizness are easy to figger out.
The election is somewhat over, it’ll be weeks before we really know what the true counts are. Hanky-panky on a grand scale seems to be the order of the day. But, besides that, it is interesting to see how the same people who were claiming foul four years ago are asking for acceptance this time ‘round. It’s quite a turn-around and quite amusing to watch.
Tennyrate, here in the Asylum by the Sea, the election went perty much the way people thought. Jack Ketch himself could run for office with a “D” next to his name and win. That is depressing. But, we’re not gonna lament over it. People git the government they deserve, and until people understand their bein’ taken for a ride, they’ll just continue to watch the scenery go by.
Meanwhile, during the election, we had a chance for people to actually change the government they live in, but, as with other attempts, this one fell to defeat – but not as hard as previous times. Charter revision was a question on the ballot, and it only lost by just under 500 votes out of 14,500-plus cast. That’s quite something. Past charter revisions have either been won or lost by out-of-sight margins one way or t’other. This one seems to have people paying attention.
Now, the opposition to the changes came from the usual suspects, and was brewing jest below the surface until about three weeks before the vote. Then all of a sudden a group formed, and, as I said, the usual suspects seemed to have been involved.
One guy we’re told by Sammy Bluejay that is really hot under the collar is not the Republican chairman of the Charter Revision Commish, but the majority leader. Sammy sez that Charter Revision expert John Carrano is still RED HOT over the lack of support provided by our elected officials during the voting process, and places the blame squarely on the third floor for its failure.
“They brought us together, then spent 2-plus years yessing us to death, then left us hanging,” has been heard by many Friends of John (sounds like a future political action committee).
According to Sammy, one thing is for certain JC would be a formidable Democratic nominee for Mayor or State Rep next time around and probably has about 7200 supporters in town to build a base from.
Chairman Ed Granfield, on the other hand, has made it perfectly clear his days of public service in West Haven are over, and while disappointed seems content that his last public effort was not in vain and is taking the high road out of town
Where has Cobina heard that one before?
Nelly Nuthatch was visiting after election, and she is a gloomy Gus as it is. She was lamenting the fack that the elections in town ain’t as “fun” as they used to be. Her idea of “fun” seems a bit off, but I git the bit o’ nostalgia.
She seems to forgit that the “fun” used to include acts of vandalism, sign stealing, near fisticuffs, and people arrested for various misdemeanors, including absentee ballot fraud. I ain’t sure that I want to go back to those days.
But, it will be interesting to see what happens after the foist of the year. Even with COVID lurking in the background, the fack it is a municipal election year means we shall see how things are gonna stack up betwixt the three factions of the Demmies.
Herroner has had two terms, that is usually the time that the shelf life of an administration seems to near expiration. People git a bit testy within the party. Last time, of course, there were three contenders for the office, with the current denizens of the thoid floor winning out – and by a good margin. We shall see what happens in the next little while.
Usually around February or March the rumor mill begins to send out test balloons to see effen this candidate or that candidate has a shot at the Actors Colony. No reason to think this year will be any different. There are still people who don’t like the current administration, so we shall see what transpires.
We were speculating last time as to whether or not the good people who operate the annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the Congregational Church were gonna attempt to do it this year. And we speculated that it might be some variation of “virtual.”
Well, it seems Bill Ewry, the chairman must have been reading our missives, cuz he came through with his annual announcement of what the committee needs. The gist of the announcement is, yes, there will be a Thanksgiving Dinner; but, no, it won’t be in-person. It seems that the people will have curbside pick-up.
I guess in this COVIDtide that we’re in, that’s the best that could be hoped for whot with the politicos making all kinds of restrictions. Still, having it is better than not having it, and people who might not git a dinner will be allowed one.
We have something in this week’s papyrus about it, and we’re sure we’ll have more about it later.
Meanwhile, Iva Lootey sez that with this new reality that won’t go away, one wonders how toy collections are gonna be affected for the city’s kids. Needless to say, everybody wants the local kiddies to have a nice Christmas, so we fully expeck collections will be made. They were drive-up before, they can be drive-up this year.
Yew can bet as we git announcements of collections, we’ll have them in the papyrus and in our other means of communications.
Cobina went out in her gassamobuggy to run some errands and decided to venture around the Haven project. She can report that a few buildings have been removed with the debris gone as well, but it ain’t exactly gonna set any speed records.
The neighbors over there really wanna see some effort. Their property values are in the tank, and will remain there until something happens to the rotting buildings that are across the street. One hopes the powers that be in the Actors Colony will put the squeeze on the developers to git some shake in the effort.
While that was going on, it’s interesting to note that when yew do ask some members of the administration questions, the first response is a bit on the caustic side. That is the way things are whenever we ask a certain barrister some query or other. It seems like while he will answer, he has to git his digs in. That may jest be his personality. Let’s hope things change, but we doubt it.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzez,