Well, honey bunch, February is here and as I scribe this note, there is talk of snow and ice and all the things that make this time of year what it is: exciting in a strange sort o’ way, and for folks like you and me, a bit on the scary side. No one wants to end up on their backside. But this month is always the coldest, so it should be interestin’ to see how things turn out.
One of the things we learnt here is that the “snow day” is definitely a thing o’ the past. Sammy Bluejay fluttered by with some info about this and that, and mentioned that in last week’s snow “event” as they like to call it, the kiddies were not given the day off, but were to “distance learn.” Now that the Wuhan Virus or China Virus (jest to make the Washingtonians upset) has changed much, it has changed the venerable snow day. It is a thing o’ the past in these parts, never to be seen again.
Meanwhile Sammy had some info about the local GOP and what may happen come the fall municipal elections. Word is that a section of the party wants to see Michele Gregorio take a second stab at the thoid floor to run against herroner as she did two years ago. Gregorio did better than some expected, and as with many things political in these parts, the bloom kind o’ falls off the rose after the second term – and definitely in the thoid. Herroner will be going for number three.
Now, whether MG determines she wants to go through another campaign is a question, but Sammy sez that some others in the party are lookin’ elsewhere. Iyam told that another member o’ the Grand Ole Party might determine a run. Right now, what’s being determined if whether said possible candidate has the support of members of the party.
Last time, the party experienced its foist primary in many a moon over whom would carry the standard into November. One wonders effen the same could happen this time, with Gregorio trying to go for another bite of the apple, and another candidate looking for a first bite.
We shall see, but the fack that we’re even talking about the minority party this early in the going is a good thing. Usually, we don’t start mentioning the inevitable loss of the candidate until the summer. Who knows, maybe people will be tired of the one-party rule that has held us back, and in this centennial year they will throw off the shackles of the majority organization. One could hope…
Whilst we’re talking about it, one wonders effen the little problem that exists betwixt the Actors Colony and Daryl Cummings committee can be fixed to the general benefit of the city – not that setch a consideration is ever in the cards. As is stated in this week’s editorial, the West Haven Centennial Committee is actually two separate groups. Cummings set up his own organization foist, and then the Actors Colony set up its own – using the same name.
Can we get the collective ack together and jest come up with a unified committee, or are egos that fragile? One is justified in posing the question. Things should not have got this far, but what else is new? Last we hoid Cummings sent a “cease and desist” missive to the thoid floor, but that’s all that’s happened. It would be a waste of time and money to get together a lawsuit. What would be beneficial is that everybody play nice in the sandbox. But, like we asked before, is that asking too much?
Believe it or not – and this was pernted out to me by Nelly Nuthatch – the new Enterprise Zone in the Front Avenue area was announced two months ago already. It was in early December and here we are two moons later. The question before the house is what exactly has been accomplished in the last little while?
Of course, we posed those very queries to the mayor, the City Council chairman, and the state rep behind the idea, and yew can see those results. It was supposed to be a slam-dunk when it was announced, and we understand with the holidays and all things kind of come to a halt, but we still are waiting to hear what exactly the status is.
Remember too, the city said it was already getting inquiries about the possibilities, what with the tax benefits the plan gives to those who locate within the EZ’s environs. The state will reimburse the city for the taxes lost, accordingly – at least for the time being.
The state has a habit on occasion to put things together and then take them away, depending on how much it has overspent or over-estimated its own budget/tax plan for a given year. Over the last few “budget cycles” the state hasn’t exactly been hitting its own revenue projections. So, there is always the possibility that a renege can take place.
It’ll be interesting to find out how things are progressing and whether this new entity will be the catalyst of a new and brighter future for our community. Yeah, I’m layin’ it on thick.
And whilst we’re on the subject of budgets, it would seem with the month turning a page, the FY’22 budget-making process should be in full swing. We know the City Council has been looking at the current budget and some cost overruns in departments.
We also know that herroner put the kebosh on any correspondence betwixt the department heads and the councilors without the imprimatur of the thoid floor with cc’s to herself and Louey Esposito. So, what must be queried is whether the council is getting the info it needs and having the give-and-take that these processes usually have? Whilst the chairman and herroner were trying to put the best face on the diktat that came out last month, one would think that some of the interpersonal chat that would help people along is being missed.
Still, no one knows what’s going to happen until the mayor puts out her budge message in four weeks. The only thing that is certain is it will include a tax increase. As we all hafta remember, the Municipal Accountability Review Board (MARB) has mandated the city up the mill rate over the term of the five-year plan passed four years ago. So, this is the fourth increase, I reckon. The goal is to put the mill rate to 40 by the end of the plan.
Sooooo, everything is up in the air as it always is. The only thing really wanted to know is how much the mill increase will be this time ‘round heading toward the magic number of 40.
With the year now a month old and things settling in, Iva Lootey came by and wondered what is gonna happen with the Allingtown Library. The branch was closed indefinitely in October when The Acorn Group purchased the former 1 Forest Road site, where the library was housed for three-plus decades.
There is a murmur here or there that there is an outside possibility it might actually return to that site in the basement if a rental agreement can be hammered out, according to Iva. That poses one query: does that mean the new owners are being magnanimous, or is it they can’t rent the basement? It’s a fair question.
So, the opening of the Louis Piantino branch might be in the same building but different place. That would be the perfect ending to this silly scenario. Iva mentioned that a few places have been looked at, some inquiries were made, but the rents requested kind o’ put things off the table.
We shall see what transpires in the interim, and effen the people of the Allingtown borough will get back their branch library. Iva will keep Cobina posted.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzez,