Here we are, sweets, at the beginning of the shortest month o’ the year. It jest seems like we had the Christmas decorations out, and it’s been six weeks-plus since. Here in the Asylum by the Sea things are jest as crackers as they’ve always been. The only problem is there’s no cheese to go with them. The New Year didn’t bring anything new. In fact, it seems like an extension o’ the old year.
Sammy Bluejay was in t’other afternoon, and sez that Herroner’s assertion in the last issue that 99.5 percent o’ the calls and messages received in City Hall were in favor of the “Food Scraps to Energy” program was the subject of a lotta guffaws in and about town. One reader wanted us to do a fact-check on the statement – like City Hall keeps a phone log o’ setch things. Yeesh. Whilst it might have been somewhat counted as to yays and nays, our experience tells us these things are more fond hopes than actual numbers.
The program is still exciting a few people, and one hasta think that the way things were handled has much to do with it. And Sammy thinks so, too. As our editorial sez, whoever the brains behind the “compliance notice” and orange tickets was, let’s hope he or she learnt a good lesson. As our editorial sez this week, we got a lesson in bureaucracy. Give someone some responsibility, and they turn it into authority. It’s a problem fed’rally, state-wise and now for a small burg like ours. Some people can’t handle authority like adults.
Tennyrate, we know the blowback was harsh enuff that they City Council told those running the program to stop it, already, with the notices. Since then, we ain’t seen any, and probably won’t in the short term, though, don’t think this is over. Our feedback is not as positive as the Actors Colony is portraying, and most people think it – like soooo many things – is all about the money. Grants are like a drug to politicos, they can never get enuff.
Sooo, how this all plays out through the rest of the “pilot” is anyone’s guess. The way it’s been handled thus far, however, is a tale to other towns: don’t let this happen to you.
Nelly Nuthatch came by to say that the Morse Park area is taking on a new look. The local papyrus mentioned that the Chick’s sign has been replaced over there. As has been reported here and elsewhere, a new set of condominiums of the high-end variety are planned for part of the old restaurant property. A new restaurant is also planned. The sign that replaced the Chick’s sign is about the new condos and the agent who is handling it, it seems.
Meanwhile, the City Council approved the demolition of the skate park over there, and by the time yew git this missive it should be a memory for the youngsters who grew up over the last 18 years or so. It opened in 2004.The kids who used it had a final reunion there a couple weeks ago on a Sunday, and the very next day the equipment was out cracking up the concrete ramps and setch.
A couple things to note: Regarding the Chick’s site, thee is a rumbling that the beginning of the Beach Street rebuild, wherein the roadbed is gonna be raised about seven feet is stalled somehow. The money is there, the announcement has been made, but word is the April beginning may not happen. That could stall the new owners from beginning their construction. The new roadbed is a cog in that machinery.
The skate park is an interesting thing. There has been a lotta talk about it being an eyesore and that it wasn’t used, but that’s a two-way street. Ya see, before long after it was built, the skate park had irregular hours, and like so many things in town, not much oversight. So, while there were users, there was never any real attempt to keep it open at certain times. It was in a word “sporadic.”
Also, the fack that it was somewhat a lawsuit waiting to happen, the facility was looked on with some angst by officials. It’s too bad for those who might wanna use setch places. There were rallies there and an attempt to get more use out of it, but the death knell came, like with many things, with the Covid shutdown. Not much happened since everything in town was locked up.
Iva Lootey was relating that the local papyrus was reporting the City Council wanted to know how blight regulations are being handled at the Haven sight. Lemme guess. Not at all! For all the bluster and bellowing that took place over the last year or so, there are still a majority of vacant properties on sites that should have been demolished months ago, and would have been effen it was anyone else but the Simon Group.
It’s been months now since said Group told the city that the Haven was a pipe dream never to see reality – to no one’s surprise – and more months since Herronner and company said they were gonna fine the developer because of the blight. Supposedly, the developers want to clear the tract so it can be sold. That may be true, but it is not breaking any records getting the land cleared. The same piles of rocks, and boarded up homes have been there for months upon months. In fact, Iva was out in his gassamobuggy and thinks the demolition equipment is in the same spot it has been for weeks. No doubt.
Then there is the opening of Water Street. The Police Commish approved the reopening of Water Street last summer. Nary a move has been made to open it up, and the traffic over there could use some relief. The Kimberly Avenue Bridge sees a large backup every rush hour, and having another outlet would be good for everyone. Dollars to doughnuts the road gits open and within weeks, a new owner will ask for the thing to be closed. It’s jest the way the whole thing seems to be going.
The Wag was in for tea and kind o’ echoed what we were talking about a few weeks ago. There seems to be a bit of disillusionment amongst the political class currently holding office. The Wag was wondering how many of the current City Council people, for example, will go up for re-election. With the MARB having control of the city’s purse strings for the foreseeable future, the council has become a debating society – witch it does perty well – and not much else. Everything having to do with expenditures is a matter of a rubber stamp.
With the new budget cycle in the beginning stages, that reality is hitting the membership even more, he sez. There really ain’t much to decide, and it feels like goin’ through the motions. Ultimately, the MARB is gonna make the final decisions concerning the bottom line and whatever levies are charged in the way of taxes. It will decide the mill rate effen it doesn’t like what the council approves – as has happened.
Soooo, there seems to be a rethinking on the part of some as to whether they are gonna continue to put in the time and energy that comes with being on the council.
That is an interesting situation cuz until we know what is gonna happen at the top of the ticket, some people are probably keeping their powder dry. Once the matter of whether Mrs. Rossi goes for a fourth term or not is decided, that’s when we’ll see some decisions made, methinks.
It seems Rep. Trenee McGee made the national press last month when she was a speaker at the annual “March for Life” in Washington. The Democrat, who has gone against the party line in the matter of life before, was one of the major speakers, and her independence on the matter was splattered all over the national press.
Of course, she has taken some heat for her stance. And, we don’t agree with her on a lot of her politics, but we gotta give her credit for stickin’ by her principles. That’s not something one sees a lot of these days.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzez,