The leaves are starting to brown and fall, there is a crispness in the air, and, just like mushrooms lawn signs have sprouted up all over the place – and it ain’t the result of all that rain we’re getting, that is for sure. Nope, honeybunch, we are in the last three weeks or so of the municipal election cycle (as they like to call it now) and the biennial battle o’ the lawn signs is underway. Who will win?
Over the last two weekends it seems the number of lawn signs all over the place have tripled, and jest cuz one candidate or t’other has a lead in the number this week, don’t mean he or she will have the same success next week.
Yup, white, blue and gold “Dorinda” signs are all over the place, either with or without other candidates listed thereon, and there seem to be jest as many “Cohen” or “Barry” signs with the same listed candidates. Different parts of the city, different parties in the lead.
Of course, we know that this is a tactic. The idea is to let the lesser informed amongst us – and they are legion – think one or other candidate has the hearts and minds of the general public and is a shoe-in for election. Sometimes that is true. This time, we wonder.
Both candidates have their own popularity, and their own following. What’s gonna be interesting is whether the bad couple o’ years we have had in these parts are gonna translate into a general feeling for the need for change, or not.
It’s been 34 years since this town has elected a Republican, and 32 years since the town voted him out after a disastrous budget debacle. Interestingly, that led to the election of another Borer, H. Richard, Jr, to the mayoralty, and he stayed for 14 years.
Now we have another Borer running with some political chops, it’s true. What the voters are gonna have to determine is if she is enuff of a change in leadership – albeit with the same party – the city is looking for right now.
The alternative is a change of party leadership the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades. Whilst some may not like Cohen’s leadership style, it resonated enuff with John Q and company enough last time to almost overturn the political apple cart. The query is whether the voters who checked him off on their ballots last time will remember and do the same.
Change is a topic both candidates have harped on in the early going. Both are telling the voters they are what is needed to change the culture in City Hall and elsewhere around the city. These last few weeks leading up to Nov. 7 will be very telling and might give a clearer idea of the way things are going.
Sammy Bluejay was in t’other afternoon and reminded Cobina about the big difference in registration betwixt the Republicans and Democrats. The Demmies have like a two-and-a-half to one ratio. But the numbers in the last two elections for mayor have told a story of disinterest. The numbers have been very low, and effen that happens this time, who knows what could happen.
Mayor Rossi won by less than 35 the last time in a very contested election. That might happen again, though we hope not. Nobody needs more drama in these parts. We’ve had quite enuff over the last two years or so for any community.
When next time we scribe missives, things might be a bit clearer in the race. Right now, I wouldn’t count the number of lawn signs as any indication of public sentiment one way or t’other.
Whilst Sammy was here, the conversation toined to the proposal to expand the camera surveillance at the Boardwalk. There are a number o’ them around, keeping tabs on any nefarious activity, and there is a proposal to put more out there. As yew know, people traverse there all times of the day – and there is quite a night culture as well – with the potential for those who wanna do naughty things having the opportunity. That is a good thing on its face. Nobody wants to see people with evil on their minds assaulting the general public with petty crimes or some setch.
The tradeoff, of course, is the fack that Big Brother will be watching. From cameras hanging off traffic light stanchions to cameras on buildings and the like, it is kind o’ creepy to have people watching one all the time. Like I said it’s a tradeoff, but effen it keeps those with evil in their hearts from acting out on their impulse, all the better. Effen things get outta hand, we’ll deal with that when it comes.
Nelly Nuthatch knew when she reported to Cobina about the kerfuffle concerning the New England Brewing Company plan to put a restaurant/brewery down there she was gonna git some blowback from the usual suspecks. And, of course, when we editorialized that there should be a committee to look into what should go down there, one of the usual suspecks couldn’t wait to remind us about it, and ask us to read it – which we did when it came out.
But what said suspecks don’t understand is, things change. This ain’t 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 or even 2020. Plans that were put in plans that were put in place need to be reviewed. There was only one set of items that were set in stone that we’re aware of.
Putting a new committee together to review – and find out what kind of practical things will be the least controversial might be the way to go. What the usual suspecks don’t remember is that Cobina and others have been in this shoreline scene for the better part o’ 50 years. We ain’t newcomers to this. There is a growing understanding that things hafta happen down at the shore to enhance both the tourism o’ the place, and the taxability of the place. Nobody wants to see high-rises or big mega-malls, but there are things that we can all agree on – maybe.
Now we are hearing that the plan might not be off the table, which gives one the impression this might’ve been some type of gambit – or is that too suspicious? And the fack another restaurant is looking at the site might’ve even put a monkey wrench in the gambit effen it was, indeed, the situation.
Even Jimmies of Savin Rock had to git into the act cuz it was taking quite the hit from the public, and came out and said it was “disappointed” about the pulling of he project a few weeks back. Quite something!
The pernt is the shore is still a place of contentious debate amongst the many who’re still interested. Having some cool-headed discussions and reviewing plans from the past might be the way to go. The city’s crown jewel is still its best opportunity to expand the tax base. The question before the house is “how.”
Meanwhile, Mike Mercuriano was seen in these parts and is letting everyone know his plan to rehab and add onto the current building for a museum and carousel is the way to go. Mike has pushed the city’s history as a resort town and still believes we should do things to exploit that history. The carousel idea has been floating about for almost 30 years, and the original idea was an addition to the Conference Center to house the pavilion.
Mike even went so far as to bring in the barrel organ that used to be played in the old Savin Rock carousel on Beach Street to stoke interest. The idea has kind of waned, but not for Mercuriano. He thinks a West Haven museum along with the carousel is an idea that still could be developed.
With it now being late October, we in the office are soon expecting our annual missive from Bill Ewry of the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. It won’t be long before he and his minions will be looking for donations and setch and registering people for the event. Who knows, maybe it’ll even be back at the Fellowship Hall of the Congregational Church. We’ll see. We’re expecting that note any time now.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzz,