Well, honeybunch, it seems summer is in full swing even before its offishull opening on or around June 21. As Iyam scribing this missive, the weather talking heads are calling for thunderstorms and all the wind and rain one could expeck with high humidity. It seems that in jest a few short weeks we’ve gone from early April to the Dog Days.
With the middle o’ the month comes high school graduations, and that was setch in this burg. Ken Strong Stadium was decked out for the swan song of the Class of 2024, and things seemed to go off perty much without a hitch.
Judging from the smiling faces, the pomp and ceremony was spiced with the usual frivolity – we always liked a good frivol – and the young adults become the latest alumni. Now they go off to whatever they plan, college, the military, the workforce. Good luck to them. We hope they fulfill all o’ their dreams in the long and short term.
Sammy Bluejay came by to mention that the high school projeck, which was nominated for an award by the Connecticut Building Congress, came in second place, beaten out by a project in the Cranbury section of Norwalk. Gilbane Construction nominated the projeck for the Team Award. It gives kudos to projects showin’ how the private and public sectors as well as all the people involved in setch projects can work together.
Coming in second place was not a bad showing, and Sammy sez that the people involved in the project, from the school system to the individuals involved, are proud o’ what they accomplished. Sammy’s only commint was that it was nice to see the city cited for something positive for a change. That doesn’t happen too often in these parts.
More good news for the city came in the amended ordinances for smoke shops and convenience stores. With the new Beach Street finished, and other things hoped for over there – as well as what seems to be a proliferation of the stores – the city is limitin’ where they can be and effen they can be open for 24 hours. The latter has to do with convenience stores.
Nelly Nuthatch was here t’other afternoon and din’t understand what was being done. I explained to her that whilst the city is trying to develop areas and put on a good face, these types of businesses don’t help the overall “look” of the city. That might seem a bit harsh to some, but that’s the sum and total of it. And 24-hour stores can be problematic in their own special way.
We have a sub-culture that seems to come out in the dark of night, and find places in the city to perch. It’s been a well-known secret for years and having businesses open at that time only helps a bad situation. So, effen convenience stores wanna open up for all-day service, they can apply for a special permit. Easy peasy.
We can see the need for a few, especially around gas stations, but there ain’t no reason to have stores open all day.
I guess the second part of the new regulations will limit where certain types of stores – like cannabis outlets – can open in the city, and it’ll be rather strict, but all for the right purposes.
Effen the city is gonna turn a corner and git more gentrified in its business selections we gotta be able to keep it so the city is attractive. Again, some might call it harsh, but what it really is saying is “we have to deal with the reality of perception.”
With the opening of Beach Street earlier this month – seeing as how we mentioned it – Cobina decided to git in her gassamobuggy and traverse the new thoroughfare. The foist thing one notices is the speed humps that have been installed thereon. There are several of them and all of them are attempts to stop what used to be a problem over there – speeding. Needless to say it was interesting watching some of my fellow drivers git used to the new hurdles. You gotta be on yore toes and be alert. Some were more alert than others, but methinks it’ll only be a one-time “miss” for most. Don’t wanna bottom out the vehicle by not paying attention.
The roadway is much higher, and it is noticeable. We hope that certain landscaping things will take place cuz it’s not very attractive right now. Things hafta grow in, I guess.
The bike/walk path has been extended, and that seems to be a good thing for bikers and walkers who are taking full advantage of it. At least that was the case when Cobina was out.
The biggest thing that I was worried about, and I live near that area, was what was gonna happen when the choppers came in with their noise. Motorcyclists coming in a swarm has been a summer problem here for decades, and Beach Street seemed to be the favorite artery to make an entrance.
Well, so far anyway, there have been no tell-tale signs (read racket) from incoming motorcyclists. All’s quiet on the Eastern Front of the shore. Again, it’s still early, but the last two weekends seem to be somewhat calmer.
Of course, there are the motorists with the rolling boom boxes who seem to think everyone and their dog wanna hear the musical offerings coming from their vehicle. But that is jest a sign that summer is here, and things are “summery.”
The biggest query that seems to come outta most people is what or when is something going to happen with the Debonair. Whilst things seem to be looking up in that neighborhood, the former motel is falling prey to the elements every day. We know Herronner has made this a priority, so we hope in the next few weeks, or at least by the change of seasons, some news will come about that once bustling tract.
More good news! It seems the Borough of Allingtown will finally git its branch library back. That was announced this week. One million kopecks were allotted for the project, and after a four-year-plus hiatus, the residents will git their branch back.
We won’t get too excited about this news until we see more about it. You remember that the idea being floated around was that the Allingtown Fire Department – or West Haven Fire Department – Allingtown – and the library branch would share a building on the Post Road. A site was picked and it was hoped that the plans could be put into motion.
We shall see what’s gonna happen. The FD needs a new headquarters we are told, and sharing a building ain’t a bad idea. Of course, we keep gettin’ a visual in our noggin of some library marm shushing the firetrucks as they barrel outta the headquarters next door.
This is good news for a projeck that has seen nothing but disappointment over the last few years – and not a lotta support, either. Let’s keep our fingers crossed things turn out all right.
And more good news! We see that Zuppardi’s – one of the city’s many contributions to what is called “New Haven-style pizza,” is celebrating its 90th anniversary. Good for the family. It’s nice to see that a longtime business in our community is still run by the family that founded it. Setch things are not as common as they once were.
We know that people come from all over to Zuppardi’s when they do a “New Haven run” for pizza. Best wishes to the family for 90 years of great food and great service to yokels like Cobina.
It’s been two more weeks, and nothing seems to be happening at the Haven. One wonders what in blazes the Haven Group, the erstwhile developers of the ill-fated upscale mall. Iva Lootey is making noises that the lack of communication is getting to some in the administration. We’ve always known that the group treats the city like the provinces and will deign to make announcements when it sees fit.
Tennyrate, with a new team of people in the Development Office at the Actors Colony, maybe some new tactics can find out just whatinell the group is thinking. Mother Nature is not-so-slowly taking over the once residential neighborhood as we speak. In fact, it’s quite a nice vista across the harbor.
There is some word the land will be parceled out, like I said. And Cobina’s bones are telling her that we will see some high-end condominiums on some of the property. That means we’ve come full circle. High-end condos were something the city didn’t want down there in preference to commercial development.
I dunno what is planned or when it will be announced, but maybe the new group in City Hall will be able to force some news outta the developers. Let’s hope.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzez,