As I write this week’s missive, honeybunch, the boys and girls of the three campaigns for mayor are wrapping up their work in anticipation for the vote, which, by the time yew git this, will be decided – we hope. In this berg, when it comes to politics, one never knows for sure what’s going to happen next. The word amongst the political know-it-alls is that they know nothing this time ‘round.
With three candidates, a rather static campaign where nobody said anything that ain’t been heard before, no one knows what to expeck. The candidates that (at least in the case of O’Brien and Rossi) were more interested in playing “Can You Top the Insult,” and one that made sure he didn’t say much, except to pooh-pooh what the others were doing has made this campaign season a mystery. Nobody know what the voters are thinking.
The wag was on the wire t’other afternoon, and believes that the turnout ain’t exactly gonna break records. In fack, the insiders in all three campaigns were expecting that the turnout might be the lowest in history. Remember, only about 4,000-plus voted in the Demmie primary in September, and the weather was good for that one.
Some were predicting a high mark of about 8,000 coming out to vote. But, again, we’ve been wrong before. When you read this and know what the outcome is, you’ll either say we were on the mark, or way, way off. The bottom line is, for the foist time in quite some time, there is no feeling that any campaign has the momentum going into Election Day. We shall see.
At least a few voters think the vibes are similar to 1989, and that was the last time this berg elected a Republican to the thoid floor of the Actors Colony. Effen that happens, Dave Riccio will have been elected and the political scene in town will really have altered. Of course, maybe that is what this town needs, a bit of a mix up.
Nelly Nuthatch came in and had a few items of her own concerning the election. Again, this is all writ prior to the voting. It seems that people are rather astounded by the number of absentee ballots that are out this time. Nelly sez that the campaigns are putting the number at about 1100. Now, effen that is the case and only about 8,000 vote, that’s a lotta people outta town. What are they doing, running a casino trip or something?
Tennyrate, more than 800 are linked with the O’Brien campaign, Iyam told with the rest linked to those in the Rossi campaign. Now, absentee ballots have always been a bit of a mystery hereabouts, and have caused more than a little bit o’ trouble. One wonders effen what will happen this time around.
Sammy Bluejay, who fluttered in after Nelly left, sez that prognosticators aren’t looking soooo much at the turnout or the outcome so much as what the winner will hafta face after the ballots are counted. All things being equal two things can happen that will hamper the winner:
The foist is that hizzoner can determine to take the $8 million with the review bored, which up to this pernt nobody has said he would, but most people think he will. That means for the next three years at least outsiders will (depending on how you define the board) have control over our budget similar to the 1990s, or just be silent partners giving us guidance – with the carrot and stick no doubt.
The second thing that might be a problem is the mix on the City Council. The winners in the primary may be what happens on the council. In this Democratic town, even if Riccio wins, there is a probability he didn’t coattail the rest of his ticket into the mix. City Council elections are mostly popularity contests.
That being said, effen the Demmies take the majority of seats, most of those who have watched politics in these parts over decades are, again, likening it to 1989. It took weeks before the factions were able to come up with a chairman cuz they just couldn’t agree on anything. We shall see what transpires. It’s gonna be a tough road to hoe, no matter who wins.
Meanwhile, Iva Lootey is more interested in the bonds the city was supposed to sell for the deficit and the high school He is wondering effen that sale ever was completed. One would think not cuz effen it was, the administration would have trumpeted that fack during the campaign. With our bond rating who knows who will be interested in this investment.
Tennyrate, the consensus is that some of what is going on is part of a bigger charade. I’ve been tellin’ yew for weeks and weeks that there are more than a few local yokels who believe the high school reconstruction ain’t gonna happen as advertised. Yeah, the former girls gym was converted into a shop area, and the G-wing is supposed to be torn down so a new cafeteria can go there or something.
Word is the staff has been told that – once again – the G-wing is supposed to be vacated this week, and that would mean that the expected December demolition will take place. What happens after that is anyone’s guess. There is smart money betting that that’s where the entire thing kind of halts and things go kaput after that. In fact, people who’re in the know are hinting along those lines.
It’s interesting, the high school was in the process of getting re-accredited a few weeks back. The reconstruction didn’t play a big part in the whole process, according to Iva. That means either the high school revamp is a given or, as some suspeck, they don’t really think it’s gonna happen. Those matters are so hush-hush even my birdies weren’t able to find out very much. It’s just a “wait and see.” The big money is on no reconstruction, but the dastardly G-wing becoming history – making at least a few higher-ups sleep a bit more soundly.
T’other big news here was concerning the Captain’s Galley building. It is now history. It was met with the wrecker’s ball last week. A new building is supposed to go there. The timing is suspeck in some people’s minds. Like the crashing down of two buildings on the corner of Main and First, this is seen as a bit of a pre-election ploy similar to the days when back-hoes were stationed in strategic areas for great visibility.
At least that eyesore is gone and construction can take place on something else. Meanwhile at the other end of Beach Street we still have the former Debonair Motel and the former Chicks’ Restaurant that are lying fallow. One wonders effen those things are gonna ever git taken care of. With the proposed raising of Beach Street to curb flooding in big storms, it would be nice to have two more vacant buildings either occupied or replaced before that projeck happens.
So, by the time yew read this all will be known as far as the election. I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzez,