Well honeybunch, it is a typical October around these parts, and as we git ready for another isshew, it seems the local weather forecasters are wondering about a tropical storm that might find its way up here. Jest what we need, more rain! Things around my area have yet to really dry out, and everytime we git a few days o’ sunshine, we either git night showers, or showers nobody was expectin’. Needless to say the toadstool crop is really high. Effen it were a cash crop, methinks we’d be able to pay off our debts and have a bit o’ cash on the side.
Around the berg, a big deal is being made from the Actors Colony about some sidewalks being repaired. Normally, setch things are a picture here, a picture there, but when yore in the straits we are in the Asylum by the Sea, any good news is to be plastered all over the pages of any local papayrus. So, everywhere Cobina seems to travel, she sees fixed sidewalks. Most of ‘em are the victim of frost-heaves and/or tree roots that have lifted up the blocks.
The city is very quick to pernt out that the kopecks for the various projects are the result of finding funds where they were hidden in plain sight. Evidently, some grants or funds were sitting unused for a while, and when it was found that the money was unspent for what it was intended, they fixed the sidewalks. Now, don’t git the impression every sidewalk in town is gonna git fixed. Effen they get a percentage of ‘em that would be something. Broken sidewalks have been a bone o’ contention around these parts for decades.
The wag was around here t’other day, and he was not a happy camper. He was rather annoyed at our senior senator, ole Dickey Blumenthal, who likes to come down to this little corner of the world every chance he gits. Y’see ole Richard didn’t have the proverbial mirror in his bathroom last week when he was castigating Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and a lotta people took offense.
Dickey goes where he ought not by askin’ the good judge effen he knew the Latin proverb, “Falsis in uno, falsis in omnes.” To those who didn’t take their high skool Latin, it means “Lie in one, lie in all.” Our mothers used to say that to us another way when we were kiddies. “Lie to me once and I’ll never trust you again.”
Tennyrate, the irony o’ setch a statement from Dickey didn’t seem to cross his mind, or effen it did, he didn’t notice. Yew remember that when himself was running for Senate the foist time, he made a big deal about his Vietnam War experience. That was OK, excep’ he never left state-side. All those invocations of his service led people to believe he was in the thick of it. The only thick he was in was his office job.
It wasn’t until somebody decided to look – as one would in a political campaign to see effen what he sez is true. He was found out, and had to make an abjeck apology for leading people on. Of course, in this state, where Beelzebub himself would git elected effen he had a D next to his name, it didn’t make much difference. Blummy won, and we’re stuck with him – and that sniveling counterpart o’ his, Chris Murphy.
The wag wasn’t impressed, and one wonders how many other locals had a pang of anger when himself decided to be a bit more political than normal? I guess we’ll never find out.
Speaking of politics, Sammy Bluejay was about the berg, and yew can tell that we’re in the last few weeks of a campaign. The press releases in the office are getting a big more numerous, the commercials on the TV and radio are almost non-stop, and as Sammy pernted out the lawn signs have cropped up jest like the aforementioned toadstools.
Yup, this past weekend it seems that lawn signs multiplied all over town as this candidate or that are emblazoned thereon. Some neighborhoods are plastered with them, whilst other go without. I guess it’s the way the winds blow or somethin’.
Nelly Nuthatch was in t’other afternoon and wondered effen I’d hoid anything from Merlie Mae recently, and I had to say I hadn’t, unfortunately. Merlie, as yew remember, was rescued from a fire at her domicile back jest after school let out, and has been recuperating ever since. Last I hoid she was in a convalescent home getting therapy, but I ain’t hoid much since. Knowin’ that ole gal, she is probably got the staff in stitches with her one-liners, and is probably quoting Dante and Shakespeare to them for good measure. Effen I hear anything, I’ll be sure to let yew know.
As I told yew last week, the superstructure on the new high school reconstruction is going along on schedule and, according to its Building Committee, under budget. The reason that info is known is that, once again, Louise Martone a council member, blind-sided the School Board during a recent meeting saying the school was millions in the red.
To the chagrin of the Building Commish and the school bored, there was no evidence other than her statement to back it up. Some people call this type of announcement – done during the public portion o’ the confab – a “hit and run.” Yew make yore statement and before anyone has a chance to say anything, bolt outta the venue.
Now, yew can probably mark this up to the factionalism that pervades the City Council and perty much all else in town. Remember, the Democratic Party, like all Gall, is divided into three parts. Two of the parts of any denomination usually work together against the common enemy, the third faction. The factions skip back and forth every so often, just to keep those scoring at home in the mix.
We are getting to the time when the next mayoral elections will be gearing up – just after the foist of the year effen history has anything to say – and the high school has been the political football that has been passed, kicked and pitched all over the place since it was announced almost 10 years ago.
Something tells me yew can bet another salvo is gonna be coming out soon, cuz these things tend to come out in twos or threes, not one shot. Somebody is gonna try to back up Louise’s statement, and there will be a controversy to keep us occupied for a week or three. Just wait and see…
With all this other stuff going on, the Charter Revision Commish is still chugging along and seems to be working somewhat under the radar. How this is accomplished is a testament to the committee itself. In past attempts to revise the city’s charter, much of what was talked about was bandied about in the press and amongst the political class, usually with one or t’other side making it difficult for the panel to continue, or poisoning the waters so when the recommendations do come out, they are nixed by the public./
There don’t seem to be much o’ that going on, and Cobina thinks that is cuz this commish seems a bit different than the ones before it. There seem to be fewer people who are beholden to the city leaders, and, thus, willing to do their bidding. We shall see effen this all works out.
With that bit o’ chatter, I’ll close this time till next, mitt luff und kizzez,