Some lessons of COVID
The year 2020 will go down as one of the pivotal in modern history. The coronavirus pandemic has shown modern life’s benefits, but it has also shown some of its flaws. Those flaws have shown themselves writ large in the events of the day. With that in mind, we hope the American public is paying attention – mor than usual – because getting lulled back into a sense of false security can be detrimental to the republic. Here are a few things we hoped we’ve learned:
Experts are not infallible – When the pandemic manifested itself in February, so-called experts, including Dr. Fauci, used a projection from the Royal War College in London that showed the potential for 200 million deaths, with millions in this country. This prompted the unprecedented shutdown of the entire nation – first for two weeks, then for six months. The economy crashed, people were left without work, schools were closed and life came to a standstill. It was discovered that not only were those projections flawed they were so off the mark from a scientific method the entire study was discarded. The lesson: those with postnominals make mistakes based on faulty information. The problem is when it was discovered instead of adjusting to it, the “experts” doubled down. The second lesson: experts are just as politically motivated as anyone else.
Evil exists in the nation – While modern society likes to psychologize or contextualize evil from a sociological standpoint, it exists. We saw it over the summer. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are two organizations that are using domestic terrorism to transform the nation into a socialist utopia. BLM is a Marxist organization with goals to get rid of not only capitalism, but the family unit as well. Once that tidbit became known it scrubbed it from its website, but there are enough screenshots to know the truth. Antifa, meanwhile, is another organization, but of a different bent. It is an anarchist organization. Both organizations are made up of wily leaders well-funded by outside organizations. There rioting and murder over the last half year should be enough to convince the populace they are evil. Full stop.
Bumper stickers make poor policy – Modern progressives and their acolytes love to use bumper sticker-like slogans to get their messaging out. Unfortunately, those slogans serve as the basis, many times, for policy decisions that are not well thought out at all. Let’s take “Defund the Police” as an example. In places like Minnesota, where this took off, crime has increased exponentially. Minneapolis has seen a 537 percent increase in crime, and the murder rate is off the charts. Places like Portland, OR and Seattle have also allowed the movement to guide policy, with residents looking to move out.
The list is larger, but these are some of the highlights of things we’ve learned – or should have learned in this annus horribilis of 2020.
Should be their rioting not there rioting