When the Capitol area was breached two weeks ago during a protest rally in Washington, we told callers to this newspaper to keep their powder dry. Too many were too willing to blame former President Donald Trump and (the most recent catch phrase) “white supremacy” for the events that led to the deaths of five people. If we’ve learned nothing else in the last four years, the narrative cobbled together by Democrats and the establishment media are too facile – and always wrong. See: Russia, Russia, Russia; the Ukraine mess; various “anonymous” reports. You get our drift. When the news media isn’t peddling a narrative, it’s spiking information, such as the Hunter Biden schemes.
As we get further from the events and deeper into the facts, we see many things happening. Catherine Herridge of CBS News questioned the timeline of the events as she showed pipe bombs and other weapons were found before things on Capitol Hill were deteriorating, while Trump was speaking – not afterward. But then there is this little item, picked up by Townhall.com in recent days. It comes from none other than CNN:
“Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the US Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control, a federal law enforcement official says.
“Among the evidence the FBI is examining are indications that some participants at the Trump rally at the Ellipse, outside the White House, left the event early, perhaps to retrieve items to be used in the assault on the Capitol.
“A team of investigators and prosecutors are also focused on the command-and-control aspect of the attack, looking at travel and communications records to determine if they can build a case that is similar to a counterterrorism investigation, the official said.”
Add to that the arrest of a 34-year-old New Yorker, the son of a judge, no less, who is a registered Democrat and member of Antifa. He was charged with offenses on Capitol Hill. We think in the next little while more and more will come up to further erode the narrative that the half-million people who attended the rally two weeks ago were driven to it by Trump, making the whole (unconstitutional) impeachment vote a farce.
No, ladies and gentlemen, this is not about the storming of Capitol Hill. This is about the establishment, politicians, globalist corporations and the mainstream media trying to erase any good that has come out of the last four years. That good – which was good for workers, business and the nation – is detrimental to the globalist agenda. The proof of that was the orchestrated effort to shut down talk of the election, which was extremely problematic, and any dissent of the Democratic Socialist agenda. Our freedoms are being taken away from us piecemeal by those who want to install a new order. The “great reset” talked of right after the election is a direct threat to our Constitutional freedoms, and politicians on both sides of the aisle are in cahoots. Don’t believe us? Read the latest to come out of Davos. It’s an eye-opener.
Trump had it correctly when he stated in his advertising last spring the election wasn’t about hating him, it was about hating us, the people who work everyday and try to do the right thing. Both parties want to control our lives, and as Dr. Fauci put it so succinctly, “Do as we’re told.”
Already the fix is in to alter trade agreements back to Obama days, to not have “fair trade,” but “free trade.” Already the move is ongoing for more regulation, higher taxes, and, of course, more illegal aliens. With a demented Joe Biden in office, the left looks to continue its revolution. Redstate.com put it best in a column this week, ending this way:
“Meanwhile, the rest of the country get to suffer the very real consequences of the next four years. Isn’t that how it always goes? The peons outside the beltway take the punishment so the elites can feel better about themselves.”
The impeachment-insurrection narrative is a means to shut down or shout down opposition, and continue the decline of the nation begun under Barack Hussein Obama. The oligarchs, big tech, international business, the political class have shown their hand. They are taking their strategy from Red China, and shutting down opposition.
The only question is: will we let them?
Curious as to who specifically wrote this? And secondly, is “will we let them” some sort of a veiled threat?