A 3-week psycho-drama
The three-week psycho-drama the nation endured, finally ended with confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court,. It was a confirmation that was three weeks later than it should have been, and one of the most disgraceful political moves ever seen by the public.
After three weeks of uncorroborated, scurrilous, and vile allegations a family man, a man who has spent his entire working life in the service of this country, was given the position he was so qualified to receive. But, it was not without the total dismantling of his reputation at the hands of Democratic Party operatives, including our own Sen. Richard Blumenthal.
Blumenthal, who became part of the resistance seeking to overturn common decency and decorum, showed his unmitigated gall and total un-self-awareness by his antics during the first Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, and secured his shameful actions by attempting to paint Kavanaugh as a liar with the Latin dictum, “Falsis in uno, falsis in omnes” This coming from a man who built his political career on a lie, when he attempted to show himself some type of Vietnam War veteran. The man has no shame. He is an embarrassment to the Senate, and, most importantly, the State of Connecticut.
The allegations against Kavanaugh, ranging from three to five, depending on who’s keeping score, have been readily dismantled for the most part. The Ramirez allegation fell flat, the bar incident died, and the Swetnick allegation is beyond belief. The original allegations made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, however, are in the process of being dismantled. Recent evidence has come to show a coordination between herself and a friend, who concocted the original letter. Also, texts and emails have been found that shows a collusion between Senate Democrats and this friend, a former FBI agent, who resigned following the Trump election.
Finally, one little-known fact about Ford was Kavanaugh’s mother, a judge in her own right, was the presiding official during a foreclosure of Ford’s mother’s home back in 1996. This further taints the entire episode.
But getting beyond the allegations and the shameful hearings, we also find out that the protestors “working the lines” at the Supreme Court and Capitol Building are, in fact, paid individuals working in shifts. Indeed, the infamous shout down Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona was handed was by an official of a George Soros-funded organization. No grassroots protestor was she. Instead, she is a radical globalist working for Soros and his gaggle of leftwing organizations.
The psycho-drama the country had to endure was not, in the final analysis about Kavanaugh or Ford or, for that matter, sexual misconduct. It was about the conservative turn the court will take after more than 80 years of leftward ascendancy. The court turned left right after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt attempted to pack the court in 1937. From then, the court accommodated Roosevelt’s programs, even giving him cover for Japanese resettlement camps in the Koramatsu decision. From there it was the Warren Court and its successors, with little attempt to rein in the administrative state.
The game was given away by CNN’s Jim Acosta when in one tweet he let the truth slip. Following Sen. Susan Collins’ speech supporting Kavanaugh, the news reporter tweeted thus: With a single speech, Sen. Collins, announcing her support for Kavanaugh, has paved the way for a much more conservative Supreme Court for the next generation. Abortion rights, gay rights, climate change, and health care reform could well be impacted for decades to come.
That, in the nutshell, explains why this was so important to the left. The programs and rights installed by activist judges over the last half-century is threatened. The possibility that Roe v. Wade might eventually be overturned, giving it back to the states, is one thing. But every leftwing hobby horse is mentioned.
The three week tantrum and the threats of violence come because the Democratic Party, its allies in the mainstream media, and hardline leftists see Kavanaugh and the new makeup of the court as another hurdle in the way of transforming America into the socialist utopia they so desperately want.
For decades the courts have been used as a super-legislature to impose where legislation could not enact. With Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the court granting its imprimatur to the increase of governmental interference in our lives is over.
That is what this was all about. That is why it was so important. That is why what they did to Kavanaugh is so evil.