Infanticide now in NY; cannot happen here!
Let us not mince words. What occurred in the New York Assembly last week was nothing short of infanticide. The Democratic majority in the New York State Senate, following the lead of the Democratic majority in the House passed a law that now allows the abortion of children up to birth. It eliminates criminal penalties for partial-birth abortion, eliminates “abortion” from the criminal code, and takes away any protection for the unborn child in the case of criminal action or accidental death. In other words, it did what abortion advocates have attempted to do since Roe v. Wade in 1973 – make the unborn child a non-person.
What happens next is important to the nation. Under this law the whole house of cards built by the Supreme Court in 1973 concerning “viability” of the fetus is thrown out. It is still to be determined if this law will be upheld by federal courts or the Supreme Court. Still, this is a Rubicon crossed by radical leftists.
A cartoon going around the internet shows a baby saying it was born at 12:05, but it also says in New York it could be killed at 12:04.
The new law sets the “right” to an abortion as fundamental and not to be limited in any way. Of course, as with most abortion advocates, the “health of the mother” is given as the reason for the changes. Does anyone really believe this? The term itself is an etude in deflection. We never really know what that term means, it is never defined. It is like the similar use of the term “values” by left-wing operatives. They will say that this or that issue is “against our values as a nation,” but what they mean is never fully explained. What values? What are they?
Margaret Sanger, patron saint of the abortion culture, was a believer in eugenics and believed that abortion should be used to limit the number of children issued by the lesser lights in society, including ethnic and racial groups. Eugenics was all the rage 100 years ago, and had a big influence on Europeans, including Germans.
A stark reminder of just how far we’ve come over the last 70 years is this: Many men and women were hanged after the Nuremburg trials and other post-war tribunals for the very thing that was legalized in the New York Assembly last week. They dangled at the end of a rope. The politicians last week gave a standing ovation.
What does this have to do with Connecticut? The Nutmeg State, once a bastion of New England morality, has become as corrupt politically as New York. Our politicians are as radical as those in Albany. We fear our state will follow the lead of New York, and attempt to push us to a place we should not be.
New York State gave abortion advocates what they have wanted for the last 46 years – full and legal abortion up to term. It is murder, pure and simple, and it has the approbation of the state.
It cannot – must not — happen here.