Summer means safety
With the final days of school, comes the anticipation of summer vacation. The heady days of fun and sun beckon the thousands of school students looking forward to the final bell. Unlike other years, the city’s student population gets a few extra days of summer with the lack of “snow days” used during the year. Most of the snow storms experienced during the winter months occurred during weekends, which allowed all but one figured in snow day to go unused.
With summer vacation the inevitable rise in the number of youngsters playing and walking around town during the day comes into focus. Motorists, then, must be on guard to watch for children and youngsters, bikers and walkers, who are sometimes careless about their actions. More intent to speak with friends than watching where they are going, youngsters put themselves in danger’s path. Those behind the wheel must be cognizant of the dangers.
Parents must do their part, meanwhile, to educate their children on the correct way to conduct themselves when on or near a street. It might seem rudimentary, but looking both ways, paying attention to traffic and only crossing at corners rather than jaywalking are important lessons. This is particularly true of those just venturing out without the guidance of mom or dad.
Street safety, in other words, is a two-way affair. Those behind the wheel must be vigilant in minding speed limits, and looking out for pedestrians in a more acute way. But those who are pedestrians must do their part in being safe and following the rules.
Safety for those on bicycles is also a big part of the equation. With the warmer weather we’ve noticed the increased number of youngsters on bikes. Reviewing safety tips in this regard is also a matter for parents. Bikes are vehicles that are best used in the streets, and following normal traffic rules. Darting between car lanes or jumping red lights can be dangerous or worse.
Also, those bikers who stay on sidewalks should realize they are to remember that pedestrians have the right of way, and are not participants in a game of “chicken.” Keeping safe distances and safe speeds are important. Finally, those youngsters who use their bikes in convoy with other youngsters are to follow the same rules as all other vehicles. Going with, rather than against, the traffic is important. Staying in lanes, and not darting about on the street are practices that will keep everyone safe.
The summer is a time for fun and recreation, getting outside and enjoying the warm weather. No one wants to see accidents, nor hear of injuries or fatalities of young people. Following some basic rules are important for all.
Best of luck, graduates!
The graduation season is fully underway. Colleges and universities have, for the most part, handed out their degrees for the year. High schools are beginning to close out the books on 2019’s seniors. Notre Dame High School, as well as Fairfield Prep, and private schools have graduated.
In the coming days seniors from our city who have not worn the gown and mortarboard with do so, and move on to young adult life. We hope that with the reception of diplomas, our young people will follow their dreams or plans.
Whether it is college, technical school, military, or full employment, we wish you well as you embark on the next chapter of your lives. We hope you have used the past 12 years to pick up the skills necessary to make your future endeavors successful.
You will find out very shortly, the decisions you made as students, particularly in high school, have a direct bearing on what you do over the next few years, and how successful you will be.
Enjoy the next few days as fruits of a job well done. But, then it is back to the task of building a successful life. Good Luck!