By Josh LaBella
Voice Reporter
From his office in the Anna V. Molloy School, Board of Education Supervisor of Facilities Chris Everone and his staff work behind the scenes to ensure schools are clean and everything runs efficiently. He said they prefer their work go unnoticed.
Everone said he has worked for the Board of Education for 16 years and has served in his current position for three. The supervisor got his start working part time at the football stadium during high school and, after college, became the manager of the facility.
“Then about 10 years ago I took over the hockey rink,” said Everone, “So, I ran the complex there. Then three years ago I took over all the facilities.”
The Albertus Magnus graduate said he likes the work because it’s constantly busy and there are new challenges every day.
“Last week we we’re prepping for hockey tournaments,” said Everone. “This week snow is melting and now we’re getting roof leaks in places and are trying to take care of those. It goes from one aspect to the other.”
Everone said they are working to prepare the facilities to switch from heating to cooling. He said before they know it they will be cutting grass. He also said one of his favorite parts of the job is the people he gets to work with.
“Year round it’s a great group of people,” said Everone. “Great principals. Great kids. I mean that’s what it’s all about. If it wasn’t for the kids I wouldn’t be here.”
According to Everone, he is very excited for the new high school building to be completed. He said the school system has not had a new building since the 70’s.
“A high school is a major building. We are in dire need of a new learning environment for the kids,” said Everone. “This is going to be great. It’s going to be state of the art. Every day when you drive by you see something different. It’s exciting.”
Everone said he had never been involved on a project of that scale and he finds it fun. He said he looks forward to the new challenge for his department.
Within the board of education budget passed last month there was money for Everone’s department to purchase new vehicles. He said he hopes the city council passes it.
“Even if I get two vehicles a year I’m happy,” said Everone. “To have the assets with them and not have a delay is helpful. Especially plumbing and carpentry, because we do get broken windows in the middle of the night. We do sometimes get broken pipes in the middle of the night. It’s good to have a reliable and secure vehicle.”
Everone said the board of education and Superintendent Neil Cavallaro have been very supportive of his department. A Westie himself, he said there’s not a time where he doesn’t like coming to work.
“I like doing the job. I even like this job more than the one I did before,” said Everone. “There’s a little more headaches but, hey, it keeps you on your toes.”
They say “if you like what your doing, you’ll never work a day in your life”. Why am I not surprised ?