Working with the unions that represent city employees, police, Allingtown firefighters and wastewater treatment workers, Mayor Nancy R. Rossi has instituted a furlough day for all union and nonunion personnel, including the mayor and her staff, on June 29.
The furlough day means that City Hall and other municipal buildings are closed for business June 29. All affected buildings will reopen July 2.
As a labor cost-cutting measure, all union and nonunion employees of the city, Police Department, City of West Haven Fire Department Allingtown and Water Pollution Control Plant will give up a day’s pay, Rossi said.
The one-day move will save the city $73,000, she said.
Only employees of the city and non-sworn employees of the police and fire departments will not report to work, Rossi said.
Members of the Police Department, Allingtown fire department and wastewater treatment plant — departments that operate 24/7 — will give up a day’s pay instead of the furlough day, she said.
Rossi pointed out that the city’s two independent fire districts, the West Haven and West Shore fire departments, are not affected by the furlough day. The West Haven Fire Department serves the First Fire Taxation District, also known as the Center District.
The Board of Education is also not affected by the day, but it will close for business because board offices are in City Hall.
The city’s three public libraries are not affected as well.
Rossi said the furlough day of June 29 was discussed with union stewards and Personnel Director Beth A. Sabo.
“I appreciate the financial sacrifice our employees are making,” Rossi said. “I know this is not easy for anyone, but I also know our taxpayers expect everyone to share the burden of budget cuts.”
The mayor is informing residents ahead of the furlough day to give them ample time to plan accordingly.
The furlough day will affect the following city programs and services:
~~ Senior activities, including the senior fitness class at 9:30 a.m., and the senior shuttle service are suspended.
~~ The West Haven Child Development Center, based in the Robert A. Johnson Community Center at 201 Noble St., is closed.
~~ The compost site and all public restrooms, including those at the beach, are closed.
~~ Day camp programs are suspended: Jr. C.I.T., Painter Park; Summer Camp, Painter Park; Jr. Day Camp, Mackrille Elementary School; and Tiny-Tot Camp, Pagels Elementary School. Refunds will be given.
~~ Aquatic programs at the West Haven High School pool are suspended: Sunrise Swim, 6:15 a.m.; Aqua Zumba, 7:15 a.m.; Afternoon Swim/Laps, noon; and Public Swim, 7:30 p.m. Refunds will be given.
~~ Beach lifeguard service and athletic field maintenance are suspended.