At its Annual Meeting, Annawon Lodge, 115, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of West Haven elected John A. Garcia of Woodbridge as Lodge Master. He succeeds Worshipful Master Edward Anyafulu. A contracting enterpreneur, Garcia, 30, was born and raised in New Haven, where he attended public schools. After graduating from the Sound School, he continued his education at Southern Connecticut State University. He is a member of the West Haven Lion’s Club and was recently elected to the Woodbridge Republican Town Committee.
Saturday, Garcia will be installed at the West Haven Masonic Temple Building located at 263 Center Street. The proceedings will be presided over by Bruce R. Bellmore, Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, AF&AM. The rites will include tribute to Anyafulu following the delivery of his 2021 year end report.
In addition to Garcia, other officers to be installed on Saturday are: Senior Warden – Christopher Belous; Junior Warden – Joseph F. McVeety, Jr.; Senior Deacon – Douglas J. Turcotte III; Junior Deacon – Gerardo Nero; Senior Steward – Jeremy Borelli; Junior Steward – Alexander Rode; Marshal – Naquan Boyd; Historian – William K. Barr, PM; Tiler – Elliot Buenano; Chaplain – Kyle Podpolucha, PM; Secretary – Dennis Frosolone, PM; Treasurer – Gerald Calabritto; Almoner – Steven R. Mullins, PM.
Dinner will be served immediately following the ceremony.