Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I need to vent. I live across from Colonial Boulevard Brook. A few weeks ago the town cleaned the brook and sewers because of the sewers backing up into people’s homes. Well, as a result, me and my neighbor are having a problem with RATS in our back yard. I have talked to certain people at the town hall) with no results. They tell us it’s our problem because it’s private property.
I have counted up to 6 rats. Why should we pay for an exterminator when the town causes the problem? I have lived in my house for 41 years and have never seen a rat.
Long Time Resident
Dear Resident:
Since you have contacted West Haven’s Town Hall and received no results, Gripe Vine has decided to publish your photo today, which contains rat images on your property.
In addition, I have contacted the city’s complaint officer, Francis Withington with your complaint. I will publish his response as soon as I receive it.
Meanwhile, keep me informed as soon as you see any city reply to this problem.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Several years ago, I wrote to you to see if we could possibly get a drive-up mail box somewhere in the driveway of the post office on Campbell Avenue. The post office told me it wouldn’t be a good idea because it could be the target of vandals. Why not at the end of the driveway? It would be in plain view. I have seen many people getting out of their cars at the driveway and dashing to the mailbox in front of the post office to mail a letter. I have been doing that myself.
The post office is crying that they are losing money due to the fact that everyone is using the internet. Well, if we could find a mailbox in West Haven, more people would use the US Mail.
Dear Unhappy:
Francis Withington, West Haven’s Complaint Officer told Gripe Vine that he tried to reach the postmaster by phone. There was no answer. Here is the phone number for you and others interested in your mailbox proposal, 203 931-9812.
I have found over many years’ experience, that a petition gets the attention. Contact your friends, neighbors, relatives and those you know are interested in a drive up mailbox. Details on a petition? Send me your questions and I will help you prepare the document. A drive-up mailbox would also be beneficial to handicapped individuals.
I looked into Milford, West Haven’s neighbor, and the postal service has installed a drive-up mailbox on Bridgeport Avenue, next to the Green. It has been there many years.
Gripe Vine Readers:
As promised, you will be seeing the word, motorcycle, in each of my upcoming Gripe Vine Columns. It is my hope that the city’s complaint officer, Francis Withington, will be able to get word from the state that WARNING- SPEEDING MOTORCYCLES ARE SUBJECT TO FINES signage to be posted on problem state streets. So many of my readers, most of whom are taxpayers, are tired and annoyed at the indiscretion some motorcyclists employ in the use of their bikes, i.e. illegal mufflers, careless driving and speeding. I am also sure the West Haven Police Department will continue to address this situation as well. Meanwhile, continue to send me your complaints, naming streets, time of annoyance, etc.
Coming up: Rat infestation… long wait for children’s swings at local park…skate park graffiti…Leete Street motorcyclist speeding…parking ordinances to be published here…loud motorcycle complaint during the night at West Campbell Avenue…more inadequate lighting complaints on Captain Thomas Boulevard…Hubbard Road speeding…unsorted trash for pickups traffic light cycles questioned at Captain Thomas Boulevard..traffic light gripe Campbell and Route # 1 and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 666 Savin Avenue. Please include your name, address and phone number kept confidentially with me.