Dear Eleanore Turkington:
One of the other subjects that I see come up repeatedly is the lack of enforcement in the parking area along our beach and the lack of enforcement of the rules along the walk/path. I walk on the path at least four times a week and never see an officer on the path.
My wife and I were walking about a week ago and were amazed that a motorized skateboarder was buzzing along at a high rate of speed, faster than most bikes for sure. Bikers DON’T use the bike path and plenty of walkers also block the bike path.
We have dog walkers that use long leashes when it states a six-foot reach. We have dogs being walked on the beach. I was amazed one day to see someone unleash their large dog only to watch as it chased after a heron.
I live in the West Shore where everyone has a barking dog, so I go to the walkway for some peace and exercise where the rules of the walkway are only for those of us who are considerate of others. Until there is a direct police presence everyday not when someone calls and the response time is so long its useless. If a few tickets were written maybe things will change but unfortunately, I guess upper level administration can’t address that. This is of course the new normal. They don’t enforce anything unless you call about it. Blinders seem to be on the leaders of the city. If readers expect change it will never happen voting the same people into office. Ask yourself if West Haven in better or worse shape. Do people like paying some of the highest taxes and getting so little?
All you have to do is look at the budget pie chart and see that the BOE eats up ½ of your tax dollars. I never had a child in the West Haven school system, yet I pay for that just like the family of six. What is being done to lessen that burden on the ones who already paid our fair share, I would rather see my tax dollars go for enforcement of building codes and zoning violations and better police department.
How about a new roof on the conference center next to Jimmies? If the city can’t take care of its own roof it’s sad.
We’re looking to move between dogs, high taxes and a city that has a not so nice reputation anymore for accomplishing anything positive for its taxpayers its not an easy sell.
LW. Boardwalk Stroller
Dear LW:
Sgt. Charles Young from the West Haven Police Department provides us today with a answer relating to policing the boardwalk.
“In response to your question about the frequency and type of patrolling the boardwalk/shore area, during the summer months we staff the boardwalk with a team of officers assigned to shore patrol as well as complimenting the shore patrol unit with a Patrol Officer when needed.
As far as the remainder of the years when there is no longer the high foot traffic or large numbers of vehicles in the area lots, we send Patrol to the area to conduct both walking patrol and to provide a police presence as needed. The times of these assignments are often but random as they are dictated by call volume and officer availability. If there is a call for service (assistance) to the shore/boardwalk area, a car is sent to investigate ASAP.”
Coming up…plastic shopping bag comments…barking dogs and noise control in-law apartment ordinances….abandoned fruit truck..broken street curb on Captain Thomas Blvd…trash behind store piles up …Andrews Street parking lot ..dead tree on Nonquit Street and much more.
Send your gripes, issues and comments to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road Box 4, West Haven, 06516. Please include your name, address and phone number kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.