Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Last year we blew a tire on the curb in front of 306 Captain Thomas Boulevard. We are aware it happens a lot. Triple A makes a comment when they hear it happens here again.
Recently, friends of ours came to visit and we went out to dinner at a restaurant at that site. Unfortunately, we forgot to mention it, so it was no surprised that the tire blew and had to be replaced.
My husband called Public Works but I am not certain anything has happened to prevent this from continuing to happen.
BC Motorist
Dear BC Motorist:
I referred your complaint to the Councilman in your district, Nicholas Ruickoldt. Here is what he had to say, “If you could pass on the residents contact information, I will contact them directly and work with them on a satisfactory resolution. My email and personal cell phone number are located on the City of West Haven website. This is the most efficient to reach our elected officials. https://www.cityofwesthaven.com/.
I have sent these requests over to the DPW and corresponding departments. I am working on issues throughout the district and the city on a daily basis.
Thank you for what you do, and all of your help on making West Haven a better place!
Again, for the safety of our residents and to get things done as quickly and efficiently as possible, I suggest having these issues reported to the city and departments responsible directly. We also have City Council meetings, the meetings are public, with a public session. The agenda is online.
Anyone that cannot get to the right department or cannot attend a meeting for any reason at all, my cell phone is (203) 640-4809 and this is my email [email protected].
It is so important we take care of these issues in our city. Please feel free to give me a call anytime.”
Dear B.C. Motorist:
Councilman Ruickoldt’s response to your complaint was dated Thursday, October 10. Please let me know if the damaged curb has been repaired. Although Councilman Ruickoldt suggested my readers contact him directly there is a backside to that statement. Many West Haven residents are not in tune with which councilman or woman is representing which district. It becomes easier for them to write to Gripe Vine because it is OUT THERE!
Of course, readers can call City Hall for information, or attend meetings, etc., I have found over these past 16 years of writing this column, readers have discovered prompt action when writing to Gripe Vine at the West Haven Voice. From experience reporting problems directly to city departments results in no response, delayed responses or referrals to another individual. Notifying reader’s complaints directly to the mayor’s office was, also, little, or not productive.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There used to be a sign prohibiting beach parking at Seaview and Ocean Avenue. What happened to it?
Curious Neighbor
Dear Curious Neighbor:
I have written to Council Woman Tracy Morrissey with this issue. She contacted the Traffic Division State of The Department of Transportation (DOT) and was told that DOT has to replace the sign. DOT said they don’t have a timeline at this time. Council Woman Morrissey referred me to Dorinda Borer who is the Connecticut State Representative for West Haven, indicating Representative Borer would be the individual to receive the missing stop sign gripe. Representative Borer has received this complaint. I will produce her response in Gripe Vine as soon as it is received.
You can submit your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, Box 4. Please include your name, address and phone number kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.