Gripe Vine Readers:
Last week’s Gripe Vine provided my readers with a list of unanswered gripes that had been sent to West Haven’s Councilmen and Councilwomen. It is very important that your concerns are addressed by the individuals representing you in your district. Following several attempts to obtain information from these councilmen and women, I will publish either their responses to my readers or their lack of communication to Gripe Vine readers.
A reader wrote and complained that Andrews Street becomes a parking lot and dumping grounds, referring to UNH students’ cars when school is in session. There are cars parked both sides of the street and some leave cars parked for weeks at a time. Residents want NO UNH PARKING signs put up like surrounding streets display.
I referred this complaint to Councilman Peter Massaro. He replied, “I will call UNH about this.”
Readers have complained of a Stop Sign removed at Seaview and Ocean Avenue. I have tried to reach Rep. Dorinda Borer, for assistance, on this issue. Both email addresses were returned. Representative Borer, please investigate this issue. My email address is [email protected]. There are a number of residents in this area who feel this stop sign replacement is very important. Evidently it has been missing for some time.
Another reader has written, “There is an abandoned Edible Fruit Truck across the street on the corner of Fairfax and U.S. 1 with no plates. Can you help on this?
AT Resident
Dear AT Resident:
Councilman Peter Massaro submitted this reply to your gripe, “The vehicle belongs to the business at the corner of Fairfax and US#1 and it is on private property. You are allowed to have one unregistered vehicle on the property. To my knowledge the truck is for sale.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The intersection at Enright and Rangely Streets is a SCHOOL BUS STOP.. Does the West Haven Police Department plan to enforce the stop sign on Rangely Street going down the hill until a kid is killed?
HELP Concerned Parent
Dear Concerned Parent:
Councilman Peter Massaro was notified of this concern. His reply, “The Police Department was already informed about this months ago. When a police car is present, no one goes through the Stop Sign.”
Gripe Vine Readers, the answer to this hazardous situation is simple; why not place police cars at this Stop Sign area when school buses are expected to arrive or depart? Soon enough, careless motorists will realize their actions are being observed. Concerned Parent, please let Gripe Vine know if conditions improve.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
People are making excessive noise on Cherry Street waking me up and It makes me want to move away. I have to turn my tv up extremely loud. If it’s power tools, etc. I don’t care. The noise is excessive.
GD Quiet Please
Dear GD Quiet Please:
Councilman Peter Massaro replied to this gripe with, “I don’t know what they are talking about. Cherry Street has three houses on it and there is no construction going on there. I also told you to check if they have the right district. In West Shore there is a Cherry Lane.”
Councilman Massaro, I rechecked, and it is Cherry Street. I haven’t heard further from this reader. I will keep you posted if I do.
Dear Councilman Ruickholdt:
At the beginning of this month, Gripe Vine posed a request to you to look into a missing light at Platt Avenue. To date, there hasn’t been a response to this reader’s inquiry. Have you discovered why the light is not operating?
Coming up…postage stamp fees questioned….litter at Exit 42 and Meloy Road…broken picnic bench at the Grove…Beach Street empty lot…Apple Festival…Plainfield Avenue and Allingtown Drive trash complaint…cars not stopping at Fenwick and Yates Street and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or write to me at Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit through our online form.