Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have never written to you in the past, but I feel the need to ask for your assistance.I live on Andrea Drive, a cul-de-sac in a very small neighborhood. The houses, roads and sidewalks are approximately 20 years old.
The sidewalks are in disrepair. Pieces of the sidewalk are broken, crumbled, splitting and very dangerous. People cannot walk on them because they are a hazard to the children, elderly and handicapped in our neighborhood. People and children tend to walk in the street, rather than trying to walk on broken sidewalks for fear they will fall and injure themselves.
The younger children cannot ride their tricycles because the walks are broken, so they tend to ride in the street – very unsafe.
Since the walks are dangerous and over 20 years old, the city should consider repaving the walks for the safety of our children, elderly and handicapped people who live on this street.
We the neighbors should not be burdened with the cost of repaving, the city should take the monetary responsibility to repave because, as taxpayers, we would expect the city to correct this dangerous neighborhood situation.
MAC Resident
Dear MAC Resident:
Because there is an element of danger in your request for help, I forwarded a copy of your complaint to Councilwoman Tracy Morrissey. Please let me know if, within two weeks, there isn’t any signs of improvement. I feel confident Councilwoman Morrissey will look into your complaint.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Gripe Vine has been posting a gripe relating to a tree in poor condition on Nonquit Street. Correspondence has been received to comments like “The wrong tree was cut down,” to “branches falling on private property” to “unsightly undergrowth.”
Gripe Vine reached out to Councilwoman Robbin Watt Hamilton who provided the following statement to our readers, “I have been in an ongoing communication with the resident of Nonquit Street and the tree warden. The tree has been trimmed and has been placed on a list. I’ve reached out to the warden asking him to touch bases with the resident who has real concerns of this hazardous tree. They spoke once briefly. It is my hopes that this tree comes down ASAP to ensure the safety of everyone.”
O.K. Nonquit Street Residents, Gripe Vine needs an update from YOU! Has the tree been trimmed? Has it been cut down? Is it a hazard to motorists? As soon as I hear from either Councilwoman Hamilton or Nonquit Street Residents, it is my hope the tree’s present condition has improved.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Has anyone filled the pothole just before the Exit Ramp for First Street to Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike?
Coming up…holes on Knox Street…Potholes at the intersection of Platt Avenue and Sorenson from plows…Gas Company is requested to return to repave Hillcrest Avenue.. Apple Festival Griper… Accumulated trash on Plainfield Avenue..Motorists still not stopping at the STOP SIGNS at Fenwick and Yale..vacant lot on Beach Street with steps leading to nowhere. Anyone know what happened to the house that used to be on it?
You can send your comments, gripes and suggestions to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o The West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 . Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit confidentially through our online form.