Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I read your column regularly and wonder at the diversity of topics you are confronted with. I may as well add mine.
I am sick and tired of the lack of concern for other motorists who are facing motor vehicles who do not turn their headlights on during the hours of dusk or when it rains or is foggy. It is extremely difficult to drive when the visibility is low. Recently, I overheard a conversation that blamed many small truck drivers, for not observing headlight laws. Can you ask your readers to lean toward caution rather than ignoring it? By the way, isn’t there a law in Connecticut about when to turn your headlights on?
MI Connecticut Driver
Dear MI Connecticut Driver:
Here is the Connecticut law on when to operate a motor vehicle with lights on:In Connecticut, drivers must turn on their headlights anytime between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise. State law also stipulates that headlights must be used during poor weather, insufficient light conditions and when visibility is less than 500 feet.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Recently, Gripe Vine published a letter of complaint regarding motorists zipping through stop signs at the intersection of Rangely Street. What really concerns me is this intersection is a SCHOOL BUS STOP. I notified Councilman Peter Massaro and he had indicated the police department were informed of this situation.
My comment on motorists ignoring the STOP SIGNS at this intersection: Wouldn’t it be a good idea to have a police car stationed here during school bus stops and returns? Not only would this action protect our children, but would warn motorists disregarding the full stop laws at this site to STOP as requested I know, we can’t have police protection here all the time, but it’s a warning to motorists that the police are watching this area. I hope the West Haven Police Department will consider this suggestion.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Once again, a note of thanks to Councilman Peter Massaro for following through on readers complaints. If you recall, Councilman Massaro was notified of a littering gripe at Andrews Street According to my reader, “Andrews Street has become a parking lot and dumping grounds for UNH when students are in session.” Councilman Massaro responded with, “I will notify UNH about this.”
What I would like to know readers, has the condition of Andrews Street improved? Please let me know, [email protected]) or drop me a note: Gripe Vine, c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Avenue.
Gripe Vine Readers:
I have received many requests to have the STOP SIGN replaced at Seaview Avenue and Ocean Avenue. I attempted to work through city channels but was unsuccessful. So, I went further to State Representative, Dorinda Borer. I feel confident Representative Borer will respond to Gripe Vine and you will see this STOP SIGN replaced.
Coming up…Andrea Drive sidewalks…following trimming of tree on Nonquit Street, request brush cleanup..pot hole on First Street exit ramp…Stop Sign at Benham Hill Road and Hubbard Street- SCHOOL ZONE…holes and crevices on Knox Street..Sorenson Road pot holes…Hillcrest Avenue post road construction work…Apple Festival
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.