Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Back at the beginning of October I wrote that there are holes and crevices on Knox Street. Perhaps we are being forgotten because this is a dead end street. This complaint is specifically located at the entrance to 12 Knox St. Winter is coming and we hope that they can redo this street and fix the holes.
JE Knox Street Resident
Dear JE:
I notified Councilwoman Robbin Watt Hamilton of the condition on Knox Street. It is now the end of November and GripeVine hasn’t heard from Councilwoman Hamilton. Hopefully she will respond to Gripe Vine with an update of this road’s condition. Meanwhile, drop me a note and let me know if any improvement has taken place.
Gripe Vine Readers:
I am very adamant when it comes to children’s safety and each time Gripe Vine receives emails and letters from readers alerting me to roads and intersections that post STOP SIGNS that are ignored, especially at streets where children travel or wait to board school buses, I really get highly annoyed. Thus, the reason for the letter that arrived on my desk back on Oct. 5 calling my attention to motorists disregarding STOP SIGNS at Hubbard and Benham Avenue.
I notified outgoing Councilwoman Louise Martone Oct. 5 of this hazardous area. To date I have not received a reply. I am hopeful that members of the police department read this column and make sincere efforts from the Traffic Department to pass some tickets to law-breaking motorist at this site. Meanwhile, I am hopeful Councilwoman Hamilton will follow up on this complaint and make some dedicated efforts to remedy this situation.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Someone has removed the STOP Sign at Seaview and Ocean Avenue. Can we have it replaced?
IM Motorist
Dear IM:
I am happy to say that following correspondence with State Representative Dorinda Borer, a reply arrived regarding this “missing” STOP SIGN. Here is what Rep. Borer had to say:
“I am sorry it took a few weeks since your article appeared in The Voice regarding the STOP SIGN at Seaview. In order to provide you and your readers to reach me, here is my contact information:
My official State Rep email is Dorinda. [email protected]
My personal email is [email protected]
My cell number is 203-887-6359
Please feel free and pass it along to readers as I strive to be as responsive as possible.
With respect to the STOP SIGN at Seaview, I only remember a cross walk being there and don’t remember there being a stop sign there in the past, but I will inquire to DOT (Department of Transportation) as it certainty warrants one. I will bring Rep. Charlie Ferraro into the loop as this intersection is located within his district and we try to work with each other on these issues.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
As you may know, I will be the new councilman for the 10th District, effective Dec. 1. Should there be any pending concerns, questions or assistance pertaining to my district, please don’t hesitate to contact me now or moving forward.
Barry Lee Cohen
Councilman Elect, 10th District
232 Morgan Lane
West Haven, CT 06516
You may send your gripes, questions or comments to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 860 Boston Post Road. Please include your name, address and phone number kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.