Gripe Vine Readers,
This is the time of year when we all reflect on the past days and months and for years, going on 17 years, at the end of each year, I publish in Gripe Vine, the highlights, both good that had occurred during 2019.
Speeding on Union Avenue really angered some of my readers, prompting the city to install speed bumps at this site.
Linden Street residents wrote to complain of the “hazardous condition of the sidewalk should be looked into by the city. Also, complaints came in concerning water from Old Field Creek Flood plain, flooded neighbor’s back yards.
Meloy Road residents vehemently complained of the heavy truck traffic on Meloy Road, asking Gripe Vine to try and get a No Thru Truck Sign installed here. Gripe Vine was also asked to have the speeding bikes that travel through stop signs at Main and Third Avenue.
An old Chevrolet car, seemingly abandoned parked illegally with its rear bumper leaning over the sidewalk, giving pedestrians little safe opportunity to walk at this site.
Many of my readers wrote to complain of the lack of concern from the mayor’s office when the wrote and complained of issues that were being ignored at the mayor’s office. At one point, an administrator was placed in charge of complaints to facilitate taxpayers’ complaints. However, this solution didn’t last long, apparently the individual in charge did make some efforts, but found the job overpowering. At this point, I performed some research, worked up a street by street listing covered by the representing council persons and proceeded to notify these individuals of your complaints. At first, there was little cooperation, but presently, these individuals have shown concern and do follow up on your complaints that Gripe Vine forwards for their investigation.
Speeders on Benham and Hubbard have been sent to Gripe Vine, forwarded to the police department for follow-up investigations.
An abandoned Timberlane Drive residence gripe was sent to me, a follow up provided a new resident was planning to make improvements and move in soon.
Also, so many complaints referring to the slow improvement of the Beach Street are always arriving on my desk. A drive by the boarded-up homes at this site….not looking good and an invitation to crime. Just when will something start improving here?
There was flooding on Peck Avenue, Potholes are a huge concern in West Haven, to mention a few 1st Avenue, Morgan Lane, Shingle Hill Road and too many to list here.
Residents of Barbara Lane complained of a 60-foot dead tree that should have been removed for safety sake. Folks wrote to complain the commuter parking lot at 1st Avenue where someone was regularly leaving bags of bread for seagulls and birds. Apparently, this practice invited bird feces of great proportion.
Blasting music in the Westfield Street neighborhood in the Sixth District irritated many of my readers. Pick up of grass clips was no longer performed by the city and many of my readers had difficulty with this practice.
I was asked why the American Flag was flying at half staff at City hall? A number of complaints came in requesting additional signage prohibiting dog droppings on the Green. And, speaking of the Green, readers asked Gripe Vine why the public portable bathrooms placed on the Green were in such unusable condition.
Several complaints arrived from readers who feared for the safety of school children at various school bus stops throughout the city. Apparently, many motorists were driving right through the stop signs, some drivers, even as the children boarded the school bus. Gripe Vine asked the West Haven Police Department to keep a close eye on school bus stops throughout the city. And, readers, when there are serious issues such as this and you don’t see any improvement, it is very important you call the police department or me and I promise I will make a dedicated effort to improve this dangerous practice.
Angry readers wrote to complain of the one side street parking during snowstorms, folks wanted to know why there were so many lights left on at the school after hours and nights? Speaking of lights, Gripe Vine received many “light” complaints….traffic lights not working, blinking traffic lights when they shouldn’t be blinking and requests for traffic lights in suggested areas.
Now, here’s a good one! I have been traying for months to have the clock on the Allingtown Green repaired! Just what’s the story here
Many questions being raised on West Haven’s Boot Law. In case you’re not familiar with it, if you owe taxes, your car could be locked until you pay your taxes.
Complaints arrived referring to piles of trash not being picked up in front of resident’s homes. Apparently, there is a $100 fine for not observing this ordinance. Questions have been asked why isn’t this law being enforced?
Questions came in, “When will the new roof be placed on the conference center and why was the veteran’s walk allowed to unpresentable with weeds?
Various Allingtown residents wrote seeking more representation,” We pay taxes too!” Beach Street Condo folks wanted to know why it takes so long to get roads paved here and residents on Sharon Avenue wondered why an old rotten tree hasn’t been removed?
Gripe Vine Readers:
It was quite a year, wasn’t it and in today’s column I only touched the surface. Don’t ever stop fighting! If you or your neighbors have complaints whether they are local or state or otherwise, write to Gripe Vine. The City of West Haven is extremely fortunate to have The West Haven Voice on their side. The owners and editor are just as determined as I am, to show pride in West Haven.
Have a happy holiday and I will see you on the other side in 2020!
Eleanore Turkington