Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Many of you have written to Gripe Vine seeking assistance in replacing or improving the sidewalks in your neighborhoods. Conditions such as cracked, broken or crumbled sidewalks that posed dangers to pedestrians and family neighbors in your area.
“The sidewalks on Linden Street are in disrepair; broken, crumbled, splitting and very dangerous They are a hazard to the children, elderly and handicapped in our neighborhood.”
“The sidewalks are in disrepair on Andrea Drive; pieces of the sidewalk are broken, crumbled, splitting and very dangerous. People cannot walk on them. They are a hazard to children, elderly and handicapped in our neighborhood.”
These are just excerpts of several examples of the letters Gripe Vine has received in the recent past. Through the assistance of your local councilmen and councilwomen , Gripe Vine has been able to receive their cooperation and some progress has been made.
Further information has been provided by portions of a news release from the Department of Public Works, which I feel will provide further clarification of that department’s sidewalk plans for improvement.
“The Department of Public Works sidewalk repair program is slated for spring in West Haven. This program repairs and replaces sidewalks that have been damaged by trees.”
“The Department of Public Works is continuing its sidewalk repair and replacement program this spring. City sidewalk Inspector Eric Chiarelli recently announced that 372 addresses were reported and inspected last year. City trees are defined as those located between the sidewalk and street curb. Otherwise it is the owner’s responsibility to repair the sidewalk fronting their property, according to Article 1, Section 1 of the Streets and Sidewalks” ordinance under Chapter 206 of the West Haven Code.” Anyone who has a sidewalk in need of a repair due to a city tree can have their address added to the 2020 inspection list by emailing the Department of Public Works at sidewalks@westhaven-ct.gov or calling (203) 937-3585.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I have sent requests to the mayor’s assistant, Lou Esposito and the West Haven’s Chamber’s Director Alan Olenick for information on what plans the Chamber and the city have to increase West Haven’s business population. To date, no reply from either of these gentlemen. Soon as I do you will read it here.
Coming up. Broken traffic light at 960 Campbell Ave….missing streetlight at 389 Platt Avenue…early morning business trash pickup gripe…dog droppings on West Haven Green.pot holes from Brown Street to Chestnut Streets, messy yard at Park Street and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to gripevine4wh@aol.com or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through our online form.