Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I want to open my column today with cheerful, encouraging words; life is really handing us a difficult, challenging role to fill. I’m a mover and am not satisfied unless I’m either thinking of what’s next, contemplating what appears or completing a project. This remaining at home somehow does feel fulfilling because I feel in my own small way, I’m helping during this health crisis. WE CAN DO IT!
Gripe Vine is back! Due to space limitations, this column was on a hiatus, but I will try to address as many issues in the coming weeks as I possibly can. Please continue to submit your gripes and I will do my best to get them resolved!
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I would like to express my anger regarding the Allingtown Green.
This green area has been the location of a veteran and fire department Memorial for many years. Along with the flagpole which proudly displayed our flag, has now been dug up and destroyed. They say the plan is to move the flagpole out of the place of honor corner green to an outer edge of the “remaining green area”.
This is being done along with the construction of a of a new commercial/residential mix use, catering to the University of New Haven.
The “clock” a tribute to retired Chief of Police Joseph Harvey, was damaged during the re-aligning of the Boston Post Road and Campbell Avenue and to this day, has not been repaired. In fact, the plaque honoring Chief Harvey, went “missing” during storage.
Again, it appears that “city leaders” did nothing to seek residents input on any changes, catering to an institution that pays the city PILOT funds in place of real taxes.
West Haven, it’s now our time to demand protection, a fair shake and a say in city decisions.
CO I care
Dear CO I Care:
The West Haven Voice ran a large photo of the artist’s rendering of the proposed refurbished Allingtown Green along with a related story. If you didn’t see this issue, March 26 you may want to contact Editor Bill Riccio at info@westhavenvoice.com for a back copy.
Ed. Note: All the above questions concerning the Allingtown Green reconstruction in the above letter are answered in the March 26 story, including the clock, the flagpole, the design for Cellini Place, etc. We refer the reader to that story.
By the way, still waiting for a reply from Mayoral Assistant Lou Esposito and Alan Olenick, President of the local Chamber of Commerce for my question, “What are you doing to recruit new businesses to West Haven?” I feel sure in my next column, they will be cooperative and provide some information for my readers.
Coming up..broken traffic light at 950 Campbell Avenue..local ordinances on unkempt property…”dangerous conditions” at the Boston Post Road and Forest Road…trash pickup companies that services business on Lilac Lane complaint.,,dog droppings on the Green…pot hole disaster on Chester Street…and much more.
Send your gripes, comments and issues to gripevine4wh@aol.com or mail them to West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT. 06516. You can also submit through our online form.