Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have talked to Public Works and the mayor’s office several times beginning in May through this week, regarding the lack of signs on the boardwalk indicating masks are required by the governor’s executive orders if unable to maintain a six foot distance. However, few people wear masks. It is so inconsiderate. I hope you will be more effective than I.
BC Campbell Avenue
Dear BC :
I have written to your Councilman, William Conlon and I hope to hear a reply soon. Perhaps before my next column you will see new signage on the Boardwalk. When you do, let me know. If not, I will continue to pursue your request.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
When I first moved to my house on Jones Hill Road five years ago, the City of West Haven sent a representative to my house and explained to me that they were here to cut the bamboo at the very back of my yard that is coming from Bailey Middle School Soccer Field. The city came back two years in a row to cut it all back but nothing since. I have complained to City Hall and I was told it wasn’t in the budget to have someone come out to take care of it.
The bamboo is growing so thick and is taking over at least a couple feet of my back yard. It is also starting to spread. It is also starting to spread to other parts of my yard. I didn’t ask for this and now I have it and have no clue how to get rid of it. I will never get rid of it totally because it is growing in between mine and my neighbor’s fences. However, there has got to be a way to keep it at bay.
Any advice or help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Henry Raccio
Dear Henry Raccio:
I have sent your complaint to Councilwoman Crystal Fanelli, Councilman Robert Bruneau and Barry Lee Cohen. No response to date.
However, if you are a reader of Gripe Vine, you will know that I don’t give up easily. A visit from a city representative to determine the extent of plant removal, would be the way to go. Give it a week. If you don’t hear from the City, please, let me know and I’ll continue further.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
In front of my home, there is approximately 24 feet of severely cracked and broken cement sidewalk. It is the only bit of sidewalk on Painter Drive and it is due to the large and decaying Elm tree which is breaking up the cement. The tree is also cracking the curb and the pavement in the street.
I have observed people trip over the cracks and several guests to my home have tripped and fallen due to this unsightly broken cement area.
398 Painter Drive
Dear 398 Painter Drive:
I notified your Councilman William Conlon of this condition and to date have not received a reply. As soon as I do, you will read it in Gripe Vine, and, hopefully, see the improvement before his response appears.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
A city tree on Central Avenue was damaged during a recent storm and should be removed.
WH Resident
Dear WH Resident:
Gripe Vine notified Councilman Robert Bruneau who replied, “I had a conversation with Publix Works Director, Tom McCarthy on the Central Avenue damaged tree and his response indicated he would handle it in the next day or two.” Since then Gripe Vine has been notified the tree was taken down but that there were still some huge pieces of it left. Readers living in this area can email me or write to let me know if this tree has been completely removed.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
When is the blinking light on Central Avenue going to be repaired?
PA Irritated Driver
Dear PA:
Councilman Robert Bruneau was asked to look into the blinking traffic light on Central Avenue. He replied, “The traffic light on Central Avenue has now been reset and is operating correctly.”
Coming up: white liquid in river ….Saturday trash pickup complaint…Veterans Walk complaint, water fountain turn on …snow covered road gripe face mask question and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 06516. You can also submit through our online form.
There are still no mask signs on the boardwalk. Also could u remind people that masks must cover the nose. Otherwise they are useless.
Dear Eleanore in the summer I wrote you about the traffic an the horrible car accidents.There still no added stop signs for our neighborhood safety.Second Ave is a nightmare even more in the summer time it’s a raceway an I believe a couple stop signs would really help to slow things down.