Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have complained in the past, about the trucks on Voss Road. Recently, an 18-wheeler was making its way toward Sawmill Road. I happened to be outside taking pictures and captured a photo of just such a truck. Sometime the rumbling will shake the house. This one didn’t. It’s just aggravating that they cut through our little neighborhood to save a small amount of time going through to Sawmill Road at the railroad station.
HK Voss Road Resident
Dear HK Voss Road Resident:
Councilwoman Chrystal Fanelli has been contacted by Gripe Vine relating to your complaint. Her response will appear here as soon as it arrives. Meanwhile keep me informed of any changes, whether they are improvements or not.
Gripe Vine Readers:
An update on the complaint from a reader who complained of an overgrowth of bamboo plants in her back yard from the soccer field at Bailey Middle School Soccer Field.
Councilmen in this area were notified of this complaint. Councilman Robert Bruneau showed up at my door to assess my Bamboo situation. He brought Bob Herrington from Herrington and Sons to look at my yard; that’s who the city contracts to. Bob said they will have to look into it because Bob is saying the city would never plant bamboo and this might not be their responsibility.
I told Councilman Bruneau that several neighbors on Jones Hill Road have been complaining about bamboo in their yards but he hasn’t heard of them yet. They said they would get back to me next week with some kind of solution. I will keep you appraised of what happens. Thank you so much for all your help.
Tracy Raccio
Jones Hill Road Resident
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I have received many complaints of speeding on Beach Street. Some readers have gone as far as submitting various plans to curtail this dangerous activity.
Today, through Gripe Vine, I am asking Mayor Nancy Rossi to request the support from the West Haven Police Department to increase surveillance at this area. If necessary design and speed warning signage a soon as possible.
Gripe Vine Readers who use this road, please contact me immediately as soon as you see either one of my suggestions show up at Beach Street.
Just received from Councilwoman Bridgett Hoskie, “ I will send this to the West Haven Police Department.”
Gripe Vine Readers:
A complaint arrived on my desk requesting the potholes be filled on Plainfield Avenue. If you live at this site, let me know if they have been repaired. [email protected]
I have also been waiting for a reply from Councilman William Conlon regarding the installation of signs on the Boardwalk notifying the importance of wearing facial masks while visiting this area.
No response yet: however, according to the governor’s order, any person in public who cannot be at least six feet away from everyone, must cover their nose and mouth with a mask or face covering.
If you have a gripe, comment or issue you would like to express in Gripe Vine, send it to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. Include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit through our online form.