Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I noticed in a recent issue of the Voice that readers were concerned about the speeding on Beach Street. Speeding and erratic driving is a concern everywhere in the city and state. Signs will NOT help solve the problem; speeding tickets will. We need more police stopping these drivers. The word will quickly spread that our speed limits are strictly enforced. Make the fines significant- no warnings!
The signs that were made for the boat ramp off First Avenue with hours that it closes (10L30) are completely ignored. I have had to call to stop the loud music and parties that happen there. There are cars parked there well into the morning. I suspect the drug dealers are having a good time.
The only answer to the boat ramp problem is ENFORCING THE LAW with substantial fines. It should be patrolled hourly! All the other beach parking areas are chained off after hours! Why not to the entrance to the boat ramp?
So, signs are not the answer! Signs and tickets are! Lastly, gang tags in the city should be removed immediately. Ansonia did this and there was significant improvement in graffiti there. I only wish I had the power to do all this myself!
Your Fan JS
Dear Your Fan JS:
I have forwarded your letter to Councilman William X. Conlon and Councilwoman Bridgett J. Hoskie. Councilwoman Hoskie has replied to a speeding complaint on Beach Street with “The Traffic Sergeant has responded with a plan to address Beach Street speeding.”
I will be looking forward to receiving a response on the boat ramp complaint from both Council Representatives and hopefully from the mayor’s office as well. These conditions should not exist in West Haven.
By the next time Gripe Vine appears in the Voice, I will be looking for a positive, significant response from the parties contacted by Gripe Vine. In any case readers, if you an improvement at the boat ramp area, please let me know [email protected]
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have complained in the past about trucks on Voss Road.
Recently an 18-wheeler was making its way toward Saw Mill Road. I happened to be outside taking pictures and captured a photo depicting this problem. Sometimes the rumbling will shake the house. Its just aggravating that they cut through our little neighborhood to save a small amount of time going around to Sawmill Road at the RR station.
CF Voss Road Resident
Dear CF Voss Road Resident:
I have written to Councilwoman Crystal Fanelli to see if she could give your neighborhood some assistance. She responded, “I will see what can be done about this.” This was on October 13. As soon as I hear from her you will read it in Gripe Vine. Until then, let me know if signage or police observance has taken place here.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Thank you for getting back to me. I appreciate all the help we Second Avenue residents can get in a two-block span. In less. than 4 months there has been three terrible accidents and nearly two mirrors knocked off the resident’s cars who have no driveway or numerous cars as families have to park out on the sidewalks to keep our cars safe . At times it intrudes on walkers and bikers. It would be great to have a couple stop signs put up. I spoke with an officer who said it needed it must be a safety issue in order to consider placing stop signs. I really think we fall into that need. How many accidents or damage to cars does it take or cost us to get them. They dump this traffic on us with no consideration on how it will affect our neighborhood
Eighteen-wheeler trucks that come down our street that is not allowed. The trash is nonstop. I have to clean almost daily; It is hard being stuck at home without enjoying your porch or yard. You have to keep the windows closed to keep the noise down and the dirt out. It’s also un-unsafe to back out your driveway. Not to mention the large groups on the weekends of motorcycles and dirt bikes that add to the noise. Maybe if the stop signs were there they wouldn’t have a place to race.
It’s a shame to see West Haven going down the tubes. You would think the mayor would look into this and lend us a helping hand. After all it is her city that is falling apart and losing good homeowners that care.
Second Avenue Accidents- GH
Dear Second Avenue Accidents GH:
I have written to Councilman William X Conlon, Councilwoman Elizabeth Johnston and Councilman Mitchell Gallignano since they all represent Second Avenue. I anticipate their responses and I would like you to contact me if you hear from them or see Stop Signs being installed. [email protected]
Coming up: Painter Drive cracked sidewalk..Cleanup requested for Veteran’s Walk…snowplow suggestion…Voss Road truck traffic….more on Beach Street speeding…..Green maintenance costs…and much more.
If you have a complaint, issue or comment you can send them to [email protected] or to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 06516. You can also submit through our online form. Please be sure to include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me.
Dear Eleanor,
There are cars parked at the boat ramp after closing hours. The same white car is there around 11:30p.m. Seems suspicious to me! Drug dealer? I have seen a few police cars around First Avenue, but the speeding on First Avenue and Beach Street persists. The illegally muffled motorcycles are fewer because of the closed portion of Beach Street. I have only seen one motorcycle stopped in my 50 years living in this area. He was stopped because he lost control of the bike and crashed into a tree at First and May Streets many years ago. He did not survive. I suppose the motorcycle problem will never be solved.
The trash cans ar the boardwalk were overflowing yesterday (November 11). Trash all over the place! West Haven is truly becoming a city of litter. It saddens me. I wish that I had more energy- I would clean the city one block at a time!