Gripe Vine Readers:
In my last column, I covered complaints and questions in a catch-up mode. In doing so, I felt it gave you an opportunity to see where we were going with various gripes. Understandably, it takes time for responses to reach my desk, so you can be sure if your councilmen or councilwomen reply, we all will be happy. To those of you who have submitted your issues, and nothing has been resolved, please let me know so I can follow up on them.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have lived in West Haven for many years and have heard the extremely loud motorcycles that torture everybody’s ears. When will it stop?
DT Tired of It
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have seen a few police cars around First Avenue, but the speeding on First Avenue and Beach Street persists. The illegally muffled motorcycles are fewer because of the closed portion of Beach Street. I have seen only one motorcycle stopped in my 50 years of living in this area. He was stopped because he lost control of the bike and crashed into a tree at First and May many years ago. He did not survive. I suppose the motorcycle problem will never be solved.
On another note, I have seen the overflowing trash overflowing on the boardwalk awhile ago…trash all over the place. West Haven is truly becoming a city of litter. It saddens me. I wish that I had more energy; I would clean the city one block at a time!
JS Longtime Resident
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
One of my readers wrote of the white substance that appeared in the West River, assuming it was from a local car wash. I contacted Councilman Peter Massaro who informed me that he had investigated this appearance years ago and discovered it was caused by the changing to the tides.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am sick and tired of picking up everyone’s trash every week from them over filling or not putting the lids on their trash cans. The crows tear open the bags as well as other animals and the trash blows all over the neighborhood. They need to be held accountable for littering and brining rats and mice to our homes. Respect your neighbors!
cagmTired Of IT
Dear cagmTiredOfIT:
There is an expression the city uses on their website, “Put A Lid On It!”
Rain-soaked trash costs the city 10 times more at the dump. Always use a lid on your trash cans.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I would like to thank everyone who had a hand in redoing the artwork at the old grocery store’s wall on Washington and Elm Street. It was a real piece of work; such detailing and color; a real beauty!
As a former Marine, whenever I pass it, I give a salute and I salute you all, also.
I for one, appreciate all who gave their time and labor of love..
Thanks again, God Bless.
Ralph Ferrucci, Jr.
Coming up…Gripe Vine Reader seeks landscape volunteers to remove weeds and litter …..Voss Road truck gripes…broken and deteriorating sidewalks…out of town license plates complaints…remove dead tress from Green request…decaying trees….lighting needed on Captain Blvd business…commercial trucks parking in residential area. .Florence Street accumulated destroyed tree remains…speeding on Second Avenue…motorcycle noise complaints and much more.
You can send your issues, gripes and comments to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 Please include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit through my online form.