Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I can’t believe it! I just can’t believe the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles has finally stepped up to the plate! They are catching up with the many possibilities of the internet!
I have been a resident of Connecticut for many years and I like the rest of drivers in this state have been subject to long waits at the Motor Vehicle Department. And to tell you the truth if I didn’t really have to use this method of transportation I would have given up driving.
Long waits in line at the DMV has angered and depressed so many of us. The reason I am writing to Gripe Vine is to see if you could explain simply how things now stand at DMV and educate us the how, when and where we go from here.
JD Hurrah
Dear JD Hurrah:
Once again, the internet has been a source of clarification for my readers. Here is the new DMV set up in as few words as possible:
Online driver’s license renewal for Connecticut motorists began in November, 2020.
100,000 people have become eligible and DMV reports 20 % have taken this option so far.
By February 15, the online renewal system will roll out to more drivers and will include residents whose licenses start to expire on April 1. Eligible residents will receive an invitation via postal mail or email to complete the renewal process on line. The license will then be mailed to the customer within 20 days.
The physical DMV locations and partners such as AAA will continue to offer the renewals in person.
DMV also says that any personal information changes will require a physical trip. And, readers, the same photo on our licenses now can be used for up to eight years. The DMV will also roll out online change of address Feb. 15.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have written and complained of the traffic situation on Second Avenue frequently. There are no stop signs for our safety and there is still speeding and 18 wheeler trucks and cars are losing their mirrors unless they park on the sidewalk.
Scared Resident
Dear Scared Resident:
I have contacted Councilwoman Elizabeth Johnston, Councilman Mitchell Gallignano and Councilman William Conlon and made them aware of this situation on Second Avenue. As soon as they come through with some positive solutions you will read it in Gripe Vine.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am trying to get West Haven to remove this large dying and dangerous tree here at 9 Simos Lane for over three years. When we had the Microburst storm, the top of the tree took all the electrical wires off our house and it all landed on my new car across the street. It cost us over $3,000 to get the electrical put back on the house and to get the car repaired, plus we had no power for three days. The last big storm we had some more huge branches fall on our electrical wires again and missed our car by inches.
I have emailed the tree warden, tree department and the mayor many times. The tree services all say this tree is dying and very dangerous. I have asked them to at least cut off the dead branches. Every time we get a storm we sit and hope it doesn’t fall on someone walking under it or on our house. So FAR the tree is still here.
BP Property Owner
Dear Property Owner:
Councilman William Conlon has been notified of your complaint. Gripe Vine has not heard from the councilman to indicate he has investigated your gripe. As soon as I hear from you that the problem has been resolved, or Councilman Conlon’s response. You will read it here in Gripe Vine.
Gripe Vine readers if you have a complaint, issue or question, write to me at [email protected] or send your letter to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. Your identity will be kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.