Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I love your paper and I love West Haven. The people on Farm Hill Road have a flagpole. They have an American flag and beneath it another American flag but at the bottom is another American flag but at the bottom it says Trump 2020. Are you able to keep an election flag up forever? I do not believe this is right. If its legal, so be it but if it is not, I want it down. Please advise. Sorry you don’t publish weekly anymore.
No Election Flags
Dear No Election Flags:
According to U.S.History.org it is never acceptable to fly a company, corporate or other forms of branding/flash advertising under the same pole as any United States flags. You will need to have a separate flagpole to display both flags at onetime.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The litter on the property owned by Metro North near First Avenue needs to be removed from the property. It was there since the beginning of this year. I would like to have a gathering to landscape the area, paint the bridge with a mural of something about our city and install pollinator plants on both sides of the fence. This area belongs to MetroNorth.
A Caring Resident
Dear Caring Resident:
I have contacted a representative from Metro North to see if there is a possibility of having this area cleaned up. As soon as I hear from them, I will publish this information.
Dear Councilman Robert Bruneau:
In a recent Gripe Vine column, I had sought a solution through your office, to investigate a dying tree on Central Avenue. You had responded that the problem had been resolved but you would take a ride by there and confirm with public works immediately along with the contractor Bob Harrington from Harrington Trees. I have not heard from you to date, confirming as to the disposition of this tree.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The Veteran’s Walk at the Bradley Point Memorial bricks area needs to be cleaned up. The weeds are sprouting up and the bush growth is covering over the bricks.
P.R. Irritated
Dear P.R. Irritated:
I have written to Councilman William X. Conlon for help with your complaint of an unkempt area at the Bradley Point Memorial. My inquiry was dated Jan. 17. To date, I have not heard from Councilman Conlon. I am anticipating a reply soon and it will be published in Gripe Vine.
Gripe Vine Readers:
Following a complaint of a 24-foot broken sidewalk at Painter’s Drive, I notified Councilman William X.Conlon of this condition back in October and again Jan. 17 of this year. To date, Gripe Vine has received no reply. Councilman’s response will appear in Gripe Vine when it arrives.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I went to the town hall in 2007 to report the sidewalks in front of my house at 318 Noble as well as my neighbor’s house. I was told my name would be put on a waiting list. I have been very patient. It is now 8 years later. I was told to try and repair it myself. I have a handicap space in front of my house. Does that not get some sort of priority? The sidewalk has been worse than it has ever been. Can I get someone who will let me know when it will be fixed?
Noble Street Resident
Dear Resident:
On Jan. 17 I forwarded your complaint to Councilman William X. Conlon. As soon as I hear from the councilman, it will appear in Gripe Vine. Meantime, please keep in touch with me so I can follow your sidewalk’s progress.
Gripe Vine Readers:
Back in Jan. 17, I forwarded a complaint relating to the lack of illumination at a store on Capt. Thomas Boulevard to Councilman William X.Conlon. I’m waiting for a reply and I’m sure Councilman Conlon will contact me relating to this gripe. Needed lighting is required at this site.
Coming up…Dee Street potholes…Loud music on Knox Street…potholes on Meloy Road…overgrown bushes on Leete Street….potholes on Plainfield Avenue….Tree removal on Central Avenue and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 Please include your name, address and phone number kept in strictest confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.